Severe al lergic reaction after a previous dose of an mRNA or viral vector COVID -19 vaccine or any of its components Immediate al lergic reaction of any severity to a previous dose of an mRNA COVID -19 vaccine ( both Moderna and Pfizer - BioNTech ) or any of its components Immediate al lergic reaction of any severity to polysorbate Immediate al lergic reaction of any severity to any ingredient in the Janssen ( Johnson & Johnson ) vaccine such as polysorbate IF I AM NOT CURRENTLY UNDERGOING TREATMENT AND STILL HAVE CANCER , CAN I GET THE VACCINE ? Yes , as long as components of that vaccine are not contraindicated . See contraindications above . IF I AM CURRENTLY UNDERGOING TREATMENT , CAN I GET THE VACCINE ? Yes , as long as components of that vaccine are not contraindicated . Contraindications include :
IF I NO LONGER HAVE CANCER , SHOULD I GET THE VACCINE ? Yes , as long as components of that vaccine are not contraindicated . See contraindications above .
DOES IT DEPEND ON WHEN I GET THE VACCINE BASED ON WHAT TYPE OF CANCER I HAVE / HAD ? Yes , for guidel ines on specific cancers , visit this l ink .
SHOULD MY CAREGIVER AND / OR PEOPLE WHOM I LIVE WITH ALSO RECEIVE THE VACCINE ? Yes , when the option becomes avai lable to them . IF I PREVIOUSLY HAD COVID -19 ( TESTED POSITIVE ), CAN I GET THE VACCINE ? Vaccination should be offered to persons regardless of history of prior symptomatic or asymptomatic COVID -19 infection .
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