Open Door Review


82%<30%D_!S_!"#)%o*_!=_!F$<<6(%l9_!Q>!G!Nர%_!L>![+,,\^>!8#$<&%0*Ä6!0c107(2($)*6!2*&!0c10%$0*706!):! 1647#)&4*29$7!7#$<&!1647#)(#0%214 O&N">#+@B&"!&8-)B*&'(A?-",-%#@:A _! kJ ![+^_!-d.E-\P>!! Nர%_!L>_!QB*&$*_!'>_!i)*6)*_!@>!G!82%<30%D_!S>![+,--^>!8#$<&%0*!$*!1647#)&4*29$7!1647#)(#0%214>! 8#2*D06!$*!D<)32! N">#+@B&"!&8-)B*&'(A?-",-%#@:AO ! kb _!+g-E+d\>! a09$%)Y6M$!'&_!"#)%o*_!=>!G!82%<30%D_!S>![+,-]^>!NB(7)90!):!1647#)&4*29$7!7#$<&!1647#)(#0%214!$*! %)B($*0!1%27($70>! 2>#":%@+&N">#+@B&"!&'(A?-",-%#@:A&c&8">+(%BB)+L _! Ig _!++bE+]]! W(*&,!>-001(3! The aim of Erica Process and Outcome Study (EPOS) was to study psychodynamic psychotherapy in routine practice. The increased pressure on child psychiatry makes it necessary to develop time-limited and well-defined psychotherapeutic methods. Extensive data has been collected from 33 cases. Child guidance clinics from different parts of Sweden and Denmark were involved in the project. The form of psychotherapy studied was defined as "goal directed, time-limited child psychotherapy with parallel parental counselling". The children were between 5 and 10 years of age at the beginning of therapy. Therapy frequency was 1-2 sessions a week with a duration of 1-2 years. The parents met their counsellor once a week or at least every fortnight. Therapists and parents formulateed goals and frames for the therapies as carefully as possible at the start of therapy. Besides routine psychological assessment at the start of therapy the following instruments were used: DSM-IV, HCAM–The Hampstead Child Adaption Measure, and SDQ– Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire. The same instruments were used after therapy. The process of change has been followed with various specific research instruments, questionnaires and interviews. These were used at the start, during and after the treatment period (Odhammar et el., 2011). In connection with each session the child psychotherapist and the parental counsellor made process notes and completed a form, FWC–Feeling Word Checklist, in order to follow the therapists' countertransference feelings and to facilitate studying sessions of special interest. In a sub-study of EPOS children aged 6-10 years were interviewed before and after psychotherapy (Carlberg et al., 2009). The aim of this naturalistic study was to explore children’s expectations and experiences of psychodynamic child psychotherapy. Semi-structured interviews, complemented with self-rating instruments and non-verbal components such as drawings and dolls, were conducted. An overarching aim of the research work at the Erica Foundation is to build a database to improve our knowledge of outcome of psychodynamic child and adolescent psychotherapy, measured with instruments such as CGAS/GAF, HCAM, SDQ, SCL-90 and DSM-IV (Nemirovski et al., 2014). @)15-1.*$#! The combination of qualitative and quantitative methods in this study broadens the understanding of process and outcome in psychodynamic child psychotherapy in routine practice, which is an under- researched area. G$#.1/.\!,

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