Open Door Review
2D/ q!L$67#92**_!">q!AJC0%_!I>A>q!/:0**$*DE@00%Ml((0%_!a>q!K)<::_!=>q!S%00*_!i>![+,--^?! L%T#1%JY0*($)*!1647#)6)C$2<0%!Q(l%B*D0*!30$!I$*&0%*!9$(!30<26(0(0*!I$*$(0*!~'2%<4!1%0Y0*($)*!):! 1647#)6)7$2!/647#0!h!p0$(67#%$:(!:T%!/647#)2*2<460_!g._!\b\E -,++>! AJC0%_!I>A>q!A0BC$*D0%EF)#<030%_!@>q!5TD0%_!F>q!L$67#92**_!">![+,-P^>!'Y2!"%$2<6!+,-P_!-]?+gb! #((1?uuZZZ>(%$2<6j)B%*2<>7)9u7)*(0*(u-]u-u+gbu236(%27(! a0B30%(_!V>q!AJC0%_!I>A>q!H2%(92**_!A>q!L$67#92**_!">q!A0BC$*D0%EF)#<030%_!@>![+,-]^?!'2%<4!1%0Y0*($)*!$*!&24E 72%0!0*(%06!Z$(#!7#$<&%0*!2(!%$6M!h!(#0!'V=!%0602%7#!1%)j07(>!;*?!'9&0_!5>a>q!A0BC$*D0%EF)#<030%_!@>![0&6^! [+,-]^?! 2@#BA&'@#%+,)+L&@+*&'#%<%+,)"+&"!&;)("#*%#^&'(A?-"@+@BA,)? ! 3%(%@#?-&@,&.+,%#*)(?):B)+@#A&Q#"+,)%#( ![11>! +]+E+.\^>!A)*&)*?!I2%*27>!! W1/RY($-#'! While early programs to prevent aggression and violence are widely used, only a few controlled trials of effectiveness of psychoanalytically based prevention programs for preschoolers have been evaluated. This study compares “Faustlos” (a violence prevention program) and “Early Steps” (a psychoanalytically based, whole day-care center intervention to prevent violence) in day-care centers in socioeconomically deprived neighborhoods. =&.4$'2^H&2*Y#! Preschoolers in 14 day-care centers in Frankfurt, Germany, participate in a cluster randomized controlled trial (CRCT). The day care-centers were randomly chosen from a representative baseline survey of all Frankfurt’ day-care centers carried out in 2003 (n = 5300) with the following stratifying factors: children’s aggressiveness, hyperactivity, anxiety and socioeconomic status. Additionally, the geographic identification of socioeconomically deprived neighborhoods regarding low income children was taken from the Frankfurt Municipality Statistics. Children’s attachment classification and children’s aggressiveness, hyperactivity, anxiety and social competence are measured as outcome criteria before and after two years of intervention. The programs in the study aim to reach a high-risk population. Therefore, the combination of a random sampling of day-care centers out of a representative baseline survey in all day-care centers in Frankfurt and the application of official data on the local distribution of low income children are unique features offered by the EVA study design. Data on preschooler’s attachment representations are collected in socioeconomically deprived neighborhoods for the first time. ;&2-5.2! In the EVA study we studied more than 300 „children-at-risk“. Only 35% showed a secure attachment in contrast to 60-70% in normal populations at the beginning ot the study (see table 1: basic assessment Manchester Child Attachment Story Stem)
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