Open Door Review



IJ7#0<0_!H>_!'%#2%&(_!;>_!Q0430%(_!8>_!G!FB7##)!F>![+,-.^>!8)B*(0%(%2*6:0%0*70!26!)3j07(!):!091$%$72$&"!&'(A?-"@+@BA()(O&)+&:#%(( >!! /0%JM4![+,--^>!=!1647#)2*2<46(m6!%0:<07($)*!)*!7)*Y0%62($)*!2*2<46$6m6!7)*(%$3B($)*!()!#$6!)Z*!(#0%210B($7! (2!;*!8>!=*(2M$!['&>^_! /::B)%*&8"+<%#(@,)"+@B&/+@BA()(C&.+,%#<%+,)"+&@+*&8-@+L%&)+&.+(,),>,)"+@B&1@Ba ![11>!+++h +]P^>!a0Z!e)%M?!F26$*D6()M0_!/2! FB7##)F>![+,-.^>!S%)Z(#!E!K#2(!%07)*7$<$2($)*!):!7)*:<$7(6!7)B<&!902*>!=!<066)*!:%)9!(#0!#$6()%4!):! 1647#)2*2<46$6>! .+,%#+@,)"+@B&Q"#>$&"!&'(A?-"@+@BA()( _!+]_![+^_!bbE\.>! F$15! The concept of countertransference as a robust cornerstone of psychoanalytic work has gained in momentum over the last five decades. It is a prime example for elastic concepts covering the range from microprocess to global clinical phenomena. Empirical research on treatment process has for a long time - for good reasons - avoided to even try to measure countertransference. Today we encounter various efforts for a methodology to measuring countertransference. The paper organizes the various approaches in terms of stages of research. Clinical Case Studies: Using the PEP-database searching for the term countertransference in the titles of papers one learns about 730 articles which use the term countertransference from 1952 til 2012; since 2000 the information provided (193 papers and books) underlines that countertransference indeed enjoys a high degree of attention. Descriptive Studies: Descriptive studies as a formal research activities fulfill the task to systematically describe the phenomena under scrutiny. Singer and Luborsky (1977) point out that most psychotherapy researchers feel „that a scientific orientation requires controlling certain variables even if doing so means that the phenomena studied are not in their most natural form. Consequently much psychotherapy research deals only with approximations of the actual clinical experience“ (p.438). Experimental Analogue Studies A fairly ecologically valid experimental study on the issue of countertransference propensities was performed by Beckmann (1974). Applying a psychoanalytically informed, but psychometrically sound questionaire, the Giessen-Test (Beckmann & Richter 1972) he studied a group of psychoanalytic candidates who observed many patients in a psychoanalytic initial interview through a one-way- window. Candidates who qualified with higher levels of depressive features overrated the degree of hysterical features in the patients; vice versa candidates who qualified with higher levels of hysterical features overrated the degree of depressive features in the patients; and candidates with higher levels of obsessiveness overrated the degree of obsessiveness in the patients. Naturalistic Studies A recent review on the state of the art concerning countertransference was provided by Hayes, Gelso, & Hummel (2011). They review three metaanalyses; the first focuses on the impact of countertransference on the outcome of treatment, the second focuses on the issue whether the capacity to manage countertransference reduces the actualization of countertransference feelings and the third asks whether managing the countertransference improves the outcome.



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