Open Door Review
I*0M(_!/>_!A22M6)*0*_!@>_!HJ%MJ*0*_!">_!@2_!H0$*)*0*_!'>_!V$%(2<2_!'>_!G!A$*&:)%6_!N>![+,-+^>!"#0! H0<6$*M$!/647#)(#0%214!Q(B&4?!0::07($Y0*066_!6B::$7$0*74_!2*&!6B$(23$<$(4!):!6#)%(E!2*&!<)*DE(0%9!1647#)(#0%214>! ;*!5>!=>!A0Y4_!Q>!=3<)*!G!H>!IJ7#0<0!['&6>^_! '(A?-"*A+@$)?&'(A?-",-%#@:A&3%(%@#?-C&2<)*%+?%V`@(%*&'#@?,)?%& @+*&'#@?,)?%V`@(%*&2<)*%+?%& [11>!d-E\]^>!a0Z!e)%M?!HB92*2!/%066 . H0$*)*0*_!'>_!A$*&:)%6_!N>_!A22M6)*0*_!@>!G!I*0M(_!/>![+,-+^>!"#0%21$6(6Ä!1%):066$)*2! N">#+@B&"!&/!!%?,)<%&;)("#*%# _! Ike _!P,-EP-+>! H0$*)*0*_!'>_!I*0M(_!/>_!G!A$*&:)%6_!N>![+,-]^>!"#0%21$6(6Ä!1%):066$)*2! 2>#":%@+&'(A?-)@,#AO&Gd _!+g.E+d]>!! >-001(3! This study investigates therapists’ professional and personal characteristics and identity as predictors of the therapist-patient working relationships, the psychotherapy process, and patient therapy outcomes in two short-term and two long-term therapies (Knekt et al. 2012). Both quantitative and qualitative methods will be used to meet these aims. The study is based on a cohort design and the data is coming from the Helsinki Psychotherapy study. The participants are 367 outpatients from psychiatric services in the Helsinki region having long-standing depressive or anxiety disorder causing work dysfunction. Patients with psychotic disorder, severe personality disorder, adjustment disorder, bipolar disorder or substance abuse were excluded. Solution-focused therapy included 12 and short- term psychodynamic psychotherapy 20 therapy sessions, both therapies lasting about half a year. The long-term therapies were open-ended, psychodynamic psychotherapy lasting about 3 years with about 240 sessions and psychoanalysis lasting about 5 years, with about 650 sessions. Treatments were provided by 71 volunteering psychotherapists who had an average of 9 years work experience in the short-term and over 15 years in the long-term therapies. The patient outcome assessment covers different measures of psychiatric symptoms and recovery, need for treatment, work ability, personality functioning, social functioning, and lifestyle. These outcome measures are administered longitudinally: prior to start of treatment and at 14 pre-chosen time points during a 10-follow-up from start of treatment. Working alliance was rated by both patient and therapist at the third therapy session, and 9 times during a 5-year follow-up. Information on the psychotherapy process is collected four times during the follow-up. Original contributions have been published (Heinonen et al. 2012, 2013, 2014) from this sub-study and one study is ongoing (see cited our homepage). @)15-1.*$#! The results of this study may have implications improving the quality and flexibility of therapist training programs and supervision, and help in accommodating clinicians’ personal qualities with therapy models for optimizing effective training, learning, and therapy practice.
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