Open Door Review

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10%5&! We have planned to apply the survey on a sample of 20 subjects minimum, selected through contact with mental health services and treated in facilitated psychoanalytic care, comparing them with a control group of equal number of patients treated under the same therapeutic conditions, except for the economic ones. Frequency and setting are kept the same in both groups; the focus is on the evolution of the patient-analyst relationship. 6#2.(-0&#.2! Three tools were chosen for the survey: 1) a form aimed to collect information at the beginning of therapy on objective and subjective data relating to patient (a special tab to collect initial data and Core-OM); 2) administration of OPD (Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnosis), SCL-90-R (Symptoms Check List- 90-Revised) and the Feeling Word Checklist – 58, to obtain psychodynamic and relational data from patient and analyst; 3) a form for the collection of dreams at beginning and during therapy, according to pre-established steps, to identify the representational ways of the subject. G-((&#.!2.1.&!$,!(&2&1(/4!!! The development of the study required a first step of preparation, in which have been analyzed in depth the objectives and research instruments, and addressed difficulties related to the carrying out of research in clinical psychoanalysis, achieving the homogeneity of the group; were established the procedures and instruments for conducting the survey, and for selection of patients. A dedicated team was set up in collaboration with the University of Milan, Bicocca, to deal with the research development and to monitor the implementation of the study, according to ethical and clinical issues. Therapists who endorsed the research have been trained in OPD applications and to other instruments' usage. Collection of cases and their monitoring are currently underway.



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