Tierra Marcus: In change management, there are a lot of eyes. You're doing something big, hairy, audacious goal. Justin Smith: Right. Tierra Marcus: We're transforming project management into project leadership. And everyone in the firm is watching because they recognize the potential if we do it right, what it could do. When we were early on in our journey, we had a different individual leading the initiative, and was my boss at the time. And I think one misstep that we maybe did was not acting faster to get the right folks leading the initiative. Because recognizing that we went backward a little bit, losing credibility with some of the project management and not demonstrating the things we said we were going to set out to do. Right. We weren't leading by example. And that's like rule number one. You say you do this, you go do it right. You act on the words that you've shared with people. And so we made a shift and probably a misstep would be just waiting too long to recognize the impact that was having and seeing that it was detrimental to what we were trying to accomplish and waiting almost a year before we said we got to readjust the docket here and get the right folks in. And so we have done that and it's been a much more momentum-building 00:45:00 Tierra Marcus: year for us in the last since January. So we're making the changes we're having, the positive impacts we're getting, the wins, the credibility. And the folks around us in our other practice group leadership realm are just people rallying and it's been awesome. But it was a Don't, hesitate to make the right decision when you see something faltering, even if it's tough, even if it's tough, even if it's awkward and you have to raise your hand and say, I don't know that your boss is the right one to do the right thing. It's like, well, that's a tough conversation to have, and took too long to do it. But we could be in a much different place if I had done that. Justin Smith: A year sooner, no doubt about it. And if you're ruthlessly probably prioritizing the success of the initiative. Justin Smith: Then it can sometimes be tough to look at the people and Say this is not the right mix, this is not the best mix. Maybe we have some of the seats, right, maybe not all of them. And these can be people that have expressed high levels of motivation to support this initiative, but it's just not the right mix of the right stuff at the right time. So, Aaron, how many mistakes have you made along the way here? Aaron Lauinger: Too many to count. But I'm going to hop on the, you know, the people part of it. You know, Justin and I working in workshops, Justin was facilitating for us,
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