And those are very different. As you go through your journey of growth, without a doubt, there are ways you have to evolve and change your business month to month, quarter to quarter, and year to year to accomplish the things you're out to accomplish. but it does 00:15:00 Aaron Lauinger: become, as you said, Justin, what white noise, when you have so many initiatives impacting so many people. And for oldtig, we've doubled in size in the last five years, which has been a tremendous opportunity for us and it's enabled us to drive a lot of these initiatives forward with a lot of ownership. But when you don't delineate between an initiative and an imperative, it becomes difficult. And for me, drowning out the white noise, which I don't want to say initiatives are white noise, initiatives are very critical and important to the business. But what is absolutely critical and key, something you need to protect, that is imperative to the continued success and growth of your business. My focus was delineating between every other initiative, and leadership teams out there. Right. We read our books monthly and quarterly, and then we have the corporate buzzword soup that we put out there of the things we learn and do. It's really important throughout all of that. Again, to identify those imperatives that are going to be critical for you to move through and help everyone understand that this isn't the flavor of the week or the month, that this isn't a task that we're going to, we're going to attempt for the next few weeks, few months, and then we're going to shelve it and people are going to remember when we did that. How are you intentional, truly intentional about what you're trying to deliver and getting everyone else across the organization to understand that it is an imperative and not necessarily an initiative? Brian Sielaff: I think we're all, we all have a lot of initiatives that we got to do and work through and just want to encourage all of you to, you know, I'm a person of faith, but walk in faith, move in faith, make decisions in faith. And with that said, we entered this year. I'll give little EOS a plug, but we were all over the place and we had initiatives the last two years where we just felt like after, you know, a year we're just still sitting down at the table and our initiatives are not moving forward. And so I'd heard of this EOS thing and so Doug and I actually, did that last fall prior to the end of this year and got a good foundation of what EOS could do for our company from just an ability of accountability of just putting people in the right lane. I felt like we were driving down a five-lane highway and we were all just cutting each other off and we were moving a little bit forward, but we were just all over the place. And so EOS brought clarity in terms of the many initiatives that we had to go into this year to tackle. And I think with that you have to have a plan of action in anything that you do. So we tackled this year, as I said earlier, we were in a space where we were hoping to get the five years that we needed. We were at year three. And so our plan of action was to go into this year and we have
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