King's Business - 1919-03

Forever, O Lord, tkÿ Word in settled in heaven. Ps. 119:89

HOM E O F TH E BIBLE IN ST ITU T E O F LOS ANGELES A Training School for Christian Workers 536-558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, California

MARCH, 1919

Bible Institute ofLosAngeles (IN CO R PO R A T ED ) LO S A N G E L E S , C A L IFO R N IA , U . S. A . Free T raining School for Christian Workers


R. A. Torrey, vice-president Leon V. Shaw, treasurer W illiam Evans J. O. Smith

Lym an Stew art, president J. M. Irvine, secretary T. C. H orton, superintendent H . A. Getz

N athan Newby


Church as expressed in the Common Creed The N ecessity of the New B irth. The M aintenance of Good W orks. The Second Coming of Christ. The Im m ortality of the Spirit. The R esurrection of the Body. The Life Everlasting of Believers. The Endless Punishm ent df the Im penitent. The R eality and Personality of Satan.

W e hold to the H istoric Faith of the of Evangelical Christendom ana including: T he T rinity of the Godhead. The D eity of the Christ. The Personality of the H oly Ghost. The Supernatural and Plenary authority of the H oly Scriptures. The U nity in D iversity of the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ. The Substitutionary Atonement.


PURPOSE: The In stitu te trains, free of cost, accredited men and women, in the knowledge and use of the Bible. DEPARTMENTS: (a j The In stitu te Classes held daily except on Saturdays and Sundays. (2) Extension work. Classes and conferences held in neighboring cities and towns. (3) Evangelistic. M eetings conducted by our evangelists. (4) Spanish W ork. Personal w ork am ong Spanish speaking people. (5) Shop W ork. Regular services in shops and factories. (6) Jewish Evangelism . Personal work among the Hebrews and mission for Jews. (7) Bible W omen. House-to-house visitation and neighborhood classes. (8) Oil Fields. A mission to men on the oil fields. (9) Books and T racts. Sale and distribution of selected books and tracts. (10) H arbor W ork. For seamen at San Francisco harbor. (11) The Biola Hall. Daily hoon m eetings for men in the down-town district, with* free reading-room privileges. Evangelistic service every evening. (12) P rin t Shop. F o r printing Testam ents, books, tracts, etc. A complete establish­ m ent, profits going to free distribution of religious literature.

T H E K IN G ’S B U S IN E S S M iiT -m . " i the t nr,! rfo keen It. I w ill water it even moment, lest any hurt it, I w ill keep it night and day. ■ — Isa: 27:3 ■ P U B L I S H E D M O N T H L Y B Y T H E B IB LE I N S T I T U T E O F L O S A N G E L E S Entered as Second-Class Matter November 17. 1910, at the PostOffice at Los Angeles. California t under the Act of March 3, 1879 . _ . . 1fl17 Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 19 7 r M authorized October 1, 1918. Volume X March, 191 Q Number 3 A Contrast in Value (195) J. Wilbur Chapman (195) A God-blessed Church (196) Ignorance of Great Men (197) That “ Suspiciously Teutonic” Bible Doctrine (198) A Hand­ some Proposition from the Seminaries (199) Scriptures for Special Meditation (200) The “ No M a n ” -— A Sermon by Dr. Mark Matthews (206) The Devil’s Children: Timely message from Dr. Oliver (211) Bible Institute Happenings (213) ‘‘All Things to All Men” : A letter from Rev. H. J. Scott (216) Heart to Heart Talks—for unsaved people (218) Evangelistic Stories from Experience (222) International Sunday School Lessons (230) Daily Devotional Home Readings, by Dr. Farr (265) Homiletical Helps, Bible Readings (272) Book Reviews, by Dr. Torrey (274) Translation or Tribulation—Which?—Rev. W. H. Pike (275) Advertising Section (279) Remarkable Remarks: Short Helpful Sayings (201) Our President’s Collosal Blunder, Dr. Torrey (202)

W ill you help th e B ible In stitu te of Los Angeles to ta k e th e Gospel to th e people?

O N L Y Y E A R SU B SC R IP T IO N PR IC E— In the United States and. Its Possessions and Mexico, and points in the Central American Postal Union, $1.00 per year. In all other foreign countries, including Canada, $1.24, (5c. 2d.) Single copies io cents.___________________ See expiration date on the wrapper. BIBLE INSTI TUTE OF LOS ANGELES 536-558 South Hope Street - - - - . - bos Angeles, California O N E D O L L A R A


Get this magazine into 35 homes in your community and we will send you FREE for your church 50 cloth bound hymn books, your choice of three standard publications listed below. To get this magazine with its devotional helps into 35 homes is itself a real work for Christ, which may lead not only to the spiritual uplift of many homes, but to the salvation of souls as well.


GOSPEL HYMNS AND SONGS, popular Rodeheaver book, selling for 35 cents each. Fine book for all-around work. GREAT REVIVAL HYMNS, one of th e very best collections of hymns, old and new. Sells fo r 35 cents. SUNDAY SCHOOL SONGS, an o th er Rodeheaver book, one of th e best for Sunday School work. Sells fo r 35 cents. One church has just subscribed for 600 copies of the King’s Business, monthly, to take the place of Sunday School, quarter­ lies. Their people not only have the lesson helps, but profit by the daily devotional readings connected with the lessons, as well as all the other Bible helps and inspirational articles. They will have a better church. Why not get the teachers and adults in your school to subscribe and get FREE a new set of HYMN BOOKS ? If you cannot get them in your church you can surely get them among the Bible-loving people in your community. Get the Young Folks Busy

Sam p le C o p ies of the K in g ’s Business sent on request. C o pies o f H ym n books fo r exam in ation, 25 cents each.

G e t on the Job a t once. W rite—

T H E K IN G ’S BU S IN E S S , 536 So. H op e St., L o s A n geles. K eith L . B rooks, M anager.

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S T . C . H O R TO N , Editor KEITH L. BROOK S, Managing Editor R . A .T O R R E T , D .D . FR ED ER IC W . FA R R , D .D . J. H . H U N T E R W . H . PIKE Contributing Editors


A CO N TRA ST In Values A half a dozen lines in the press dispatches were used to inform the pub­ lic that Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman had passed away. In the event of the demise of a noted pugalist, a smooth politician or a movie actor, a column would be used to chronicle the event. The world’s estimate of human life is in marked contrast with God’s. A revelation awaits the people of the world, when God opens His Books and makes His announcements. When God wrote King Herod’s obituary, He tells us that Herod sat upon his throne in royal apparel and made an oration. The people shouted, “ It is the voice of a God and not of a man, and the angel of God smote him because he gave not God the glory and he was eaten of worms. ’’ But when He records Stephen’s departure, He tells us that when Stephen was stoned to death, he testified that the heavens were opened and and that he saw the Glory of God and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. God’s thoughts are not the thoughts of the 20th Century newspapers. God’s estimate of values is just the opposite of the world’s estimate. If you are looking for popular approval or applause, play to the world’s gallery, hut if you want God’s smile, God’s will done, and God’s crowns, play to the great cloud of witnesses and run with the patience the race that is set before you, looking unto Jesus,—“Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. ’’—T. C. H. J . W il b u r C h a p m a n A great and good man has departed to be with the Lord. As a pastor, evangelist and writer he was a true man of God. In character, he was sweet and gentle as a child; as a preacher a sturdy defender of the truth. He had a whole Bible and stood square for the fundamentals of our faith. We are told that when he returned from his world tour, he advised the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church to order home those missionaries on the field who were tinctured with higher criticism. The Presbyterian Church honored Dr. Chapman with its highest gift when they made Him the Moderator of the General Assembly, which office he filled with marked ability and his tour among the churches, his ringing soul-stir­ ring messages to the men of the church will never be forgotten. The Church of God has lost a valiant leader f his loved ones a beloved V'<£.

196 T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S husband and father, and those who knew him intimately have lost a true Christian friend. Wilbur Chapman fought a good fight and kept the faith. He lived not in vain. Thousands of souls have through his preaching repented of their sins and confessed Christ as Saviour and Lord. Heaven is richer, but earth is the poorer by reason of his going. We thank God for his life of service and pray that it may please Him to raise up more of his kind that the Gospel may be given and God glorified.—T. C. H.

A S hort S tory of aGod-Blessedchurch It is located in Los Angeles and is three years old. It is interdenomina­ tional. It meets in the Auditorium of the Bible Institute. It has no organic relation to the Institute but is in hearty affiliation with its work.

Its spiritual officers are Elders. Its financial officers are Stewards. Its benevolent officers are Deacons. Its Pastor is Dr. R. A. Torrey.

This church has a statement of doctrine covering all the Fundamentals of the Bible. In connection with the statement is the following, which every candidate is compelled to sign: I t is my desire to be received into th e membership of th e Church of the Open Door. I cheerfully Accept th e statem en t of doctrine of th is church as recorded above, and subscribe to th e Constitution and By-Laws. In assum ing th is membership I agree to be loyal to the in terests of th e church, to seek its pu rity and prosperity, to do some definite C hristian work, to be subject to th e discipline of th e church, and to contribute to its support as th e Lord shall prosper me. If a t any tim e I find myself a t variance w ith the teaching, life and ru les of th e church I agree to ask for my le tte r and quietly w ithdraw . This is a saving clause, and saves the church from any cliques or parties. Dissatisfied, disgruntled people are under obligation to ask for their letters. This is fully explained when the candidate is examined by the Session. The present membership is 673. There is a strong endeavor to keep the roll clean. Mere statistics mean nothing to this church. The morning and evening services average in attendance from fourteen to sixteen hundred. The total gifts for all purposes in 1918 amounted to $24,000. There are twelve of the members in the foreign field,—in Africa, China, South America, Central America, Honolulu. The church supports the Sunday School and the offerings of the latter pass through the church for missionary purposes. Dr. Dowling, formerly State Secretary of the Sunday School Association, is the Superintendent of the School. Members of the church were visitors for the Home Department last year. The midweek prayer meeting is a great gathering. Several hundred people, including many visitors, are in attendance. It is a real prayer meeting. There is no exposition of scripture. The members read the scripture out of their hearts. A few mofnents are 'given to praise for answered prayer, then requests' are made and prayers offered. Requests come from many sections of the country for prayer. There are always testimonies to God’s faithfulness in answering the requests.


T HE . K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

DR . A . C . D IXO N ■wko has resigned kis pastorate in London to become associated witk tke Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Dr. Dixon leaves kis ckurck, Tke Spurgeon Tabernacle, April First

There is a live Christian Endeavor Society, and a Communion Service every Sunday evening at 6 :30 for those who desire to attend. Exception of members occurs the first Sunday of each month and morning Communion Service every second month. There are no distracting features in the nature of societies. The church lays emphasis upon godly living and stresses the obligation for personal work upon all of its members.—T. C. H. §4» ate T H E IGNORANCE of Great Men King David said, “ I have more understanding than all my teachers; for Thy testimonies are my meditation; I understand more than the aged because I have kept Thy precepts.” Psa. 119:97, R. Y. Isn’t it strange that great statesmen should make such collossal blunders as Napoleon and the Kaiser? They both aimed at a world-wide Empire, and drenched the world in blood, but failed. In the dream given To Nebuchadrezzar and interpreted by Daniel, there are only four world-wide Empires mentioned. Namely the head of gold representing Nebuchadrezzar’s kingdom of Babylon; the silver shoulders representing the supremacy of the Medes and Persians; the waist of brass setting forth Greece in her world-wide supremacy under Alexander; and the iron thighs and limbs of the image representing Roman domination. Note that only four world-wide Empires are mentioned and all of these have been fulfilled. They have taken place in the history of the past, and yet men of brains and position, because they know not God, and know not His Word, have acted contrary to His Word and have brought thousands to


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S death and the world into a condition of famine and pestilence. The. ignor­ ance of the Word of God is the gigantic blunder of all blunders. And what is true of these great leaders of mankind is true in a lesser way of all indi­ viduals. Wherever men go contrary to the Bible they deal suffering and woe'to themselves and their neighbors. In talking with a Jewish lawyer'a few years ago, he sneered at the Old Testament as a book not able to enlighten us in these days of advanced civilization. “But,” said I, “ where did all of the best laws find their origin?” “ In the ten commandments, I suppose,” he replied. Then shame on a lawyer who does not make a daily study of the principles of truth as found in the first five books of the Bible, the true foundation of all law. Some statesmen are neglecting the Word of God today and in eternity, perhaps before, they will see that they have made as great a mistake as Napoleon or the Kaiser.—W. H. P. T H A T “SUSPICIOUSLY TEUTON IC ” Bible Doctrine Rev. W. -T. Ellis, a religious newspaper correspondent, who in his weekly treatment of the International Lessons has oft told us how the old orthodoxy of the church was being smashed to smithereens by the shot and shell of the world war and who has prophesied of the new world religion after the war, has recently taken to writing articles against the belief in the literal second coming of Christ. Mr. Ellis is a close* student of Dr. Shailer Matthews and Dr. Shirley Case of Chicago University, and has quoted freely from Dr. Case especially, in his newspaper writings. Of Dr. Case a Canada periodical, “Word and Work” says, “ He is one of the most abandoned of infidels that ever stole the livery of heaven to serve the devil in ,” and of Mr. Ellis, the same magazine says, “He holds the modern critic’s position on the inspiration of the Scriptures, the miracles, etc., and this throws some light of explanation on what he has to say on the pre-millennial coming of Christ.” Mr. Ellis, in one of his widely circulated articles says: “ W ithout w aiting to learn th e effect of th e w ar upon th e religion of our soldiers and of our allies, a growing number of American Christians have seized upon the idea th a t th e p resen t cataclysm is the fulfillment of B iblical prophecies and th a t th e re tu rn of the Lord may be expected soon. There is a g rea t propa­ ganda a t work to spread the teaching and two w ealthy oil men a re devoting la rg e sums to th is doctrine in which they themselves strongly believe,” and th en quot­ ing Shirley Case, he adds, “W ith a thoroughness suspiciously Teutonic, th is move­ m ent in its p resen t activities is everywhere making its influence felt, and in so subtle a way as to th rea ten our national enthusiasm a t one of its most vulnerable points. It only needs to be said of these religious leaders who are now so zeal­ ously attacking the belief in Christ’s second coming, which Scripture terms the blessed hope” of the Christian and of the Church, that their first quarrel is with the Word of God as a whole. Pre-millennialists only need to take note of what sort these men are, who are saying “ Where is the promise of His coming, for all things continue” (2 Pet. 3:4)—“ deniers of God s Word.” Even those sincere post-millenniarians who are joining with them in the fight and circulating their literature, should on this account, have reason to be suspicious of the merit of their cause, and be ashamed of their allies.



Ini regard to the “ two wealthy oil men” mentioned by Mr. Ellis (refers ring to the “two laymen” who published and sent out free, the twelve volumes of “ Fundamentals” ) R. H. Boll of “ Word and Work” says: “This is not itself th e coal th a t got into th e higher critic’s shoe. The real reason th e ashes are flying concerning these two laymen is th a t they everlastingly sa t down on th a t camouflaged infidelity which has been propagated ‘w ith a th o r­ oughness suspiciously (and certainly) Teutonic’ in its origin, and which these ape- ing professors have repeated afte r th e ir German professors. This stuff which has eaten th e h ea rt ou t of Germany, these professed p atrio ts would fain foist upon th is nation also.” All who possess copies of “ Fundamentals” know they were printed, not for the propagation of the doctrine of Christ’s second coming, hut in defense of the inspiration of the Scriptures and all the fundamental doctrines of Christianity to which the Spirit of God has through the centuries, set His seal. Thousands have said, “ Praise God for the two laymen and the Funda­ mentals.”—K. L. B. A. HANDSOME PROPOSITION from the Seminaries A few weeks ago, Dr. Cortland Myers, writing to the Baptist Watch­ man-Examiner, said among other things, “We must protect our young men in the ministry from false teaching and false teachers. Here is one of the great reasons for the sad, lack in the number of young men entering this holy calling. I have now placed my finger on a sore spot, hut if it is cancerous, better make the discovery, and like a good and skillful surgeon* cut it out before its deadly branches creep any further into the body of the church. Some of the seminaries are bemoaning the lack of students but fail to see that the abominable new theology imported from Germany is one of the principal sources of the trouble. Place a higher critic behind the teaching desk and a question mark after the fundamentals of Christianity, and at last you can close the doors of these institutions and then close the doors of the church.” Dean J. F. Yichert of Colgate Seminary came back with a vengeance at Dr. Myers for daring to insinuate that there might be anything cancer­ ous about any of our theological seminaries. He said I “ If it he still insisted th a t any of the teachers of our sem inaries are denying th e fundam entals of our C hristian faith, are tearing the Scriptures to ta tte rs and are dethroning Jesus Christ, I should like to suggest an investigation. All our sem inaries would welcome it. NONE OF US ENJOYS BEING LIED ABOUT. Let th e re be an IMPARTIAL JURY, composed n o t of men who move in a closed circle of ideas (by which he evidently means—-men whose views of S piritual things are bounded by w hat God alone has to say in His W ord) h u t men who are acquainted w ith th e problem s of science and philosophy, who know something of th e CRITICAL AND HISTORICAL METHODS OF INVESTIGATION. Let such a ju ry be impaneled. We shall welcome it to o u r class room s and w ait w ith calm ­ ness fo r its verdict.” Generous proposition—is it not? It would of course have to fall to the heads of the critical seminaries to select such a jury, for a jury composed partly of “ liberals” and partly of those who cling to the Scriptures, would make a terrible mess of it. Furthermore, the presence of any kind of a jury in a seminary would naturally put everyone on their guard against making any statements that might he interpreted in only one way. And what jury would want to spend four years in each of the seminaries, which

200 T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S would be absolutely necessary should they undertake to judge of the teach­ ings on all the fundamental doctrines? But, Dr. Samuel Lindsay of Brooklyn replied in the Examiner to Dr. Vichert’s offer, that “ such a plan would never work.” He suggests a plan to Dr. Yichert that sounds more like reason. He says: “Let Dr. V ichert or some authorized rep resen tative of th e sem inary tell us ju s t th e a ttitu d e of Colgate on such questions as th e inspiration and au tho rity of th e S criptures; th e virgin b irth of Jesus Christ; th e sacrifice of Christ in relation to th e salvation of men; th e resu rrection of Christ; th e second coming of Christ and th e resu rrection of th e saints; the final estate of those who fail to accept Christ as Savior, etc. A fter Dean Y ichert has spoken, let other sem inaries in the o rd er of th e ir seniority, make th e ir confessions of faith. We shall know then where we stand. The churches then can choose the sem inaries they will support. The young men can choose the seminaries they wish to attend.” The question is—will they listen to a proposition so simple?—K. L. B. SUGGESTIVE SCRIPTURES for Special Meditation In these days every believer should meditate prayerfully upon some scripture, evidently designed by the Holy Spirit for that purpose. For this month we suggest the following: 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 13-14: This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy. Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them. T h e MEN ’S BIBLE CLASS of the Church , of the Open Door The Men’s Bible Class, of which the Associate Pastor, Mr. Horton, is the teacher, has issued a Gospel message prepared by th e P resid en t of the Class, Mr. Lyman Stewart, and 50,000 are being d istributed in the residential d istrict of the city. Accompanying th is booklet is a unique folder, dealing w ith th e various false teachings, arrang ed in comparison w ith the Word of God. We believe th a t God has set His seal upon th is church because of its unanim ity of purpose to be tru e to th e Word and work of God, as clearly defined in th e Scriptures. Samples of th e S tatem ent of Doctrine and booklet and folder will be sent to any interested, upon application and enclosure of stamp.


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W ill you p u t “ Bible In sti- tu te of Los A ngeles” on y o u r p ray er lis t for 1919?

P ray th a t m any souls m ay be saved th is y ear th ro u g h w orkers and stu d en ts.

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R eally R emarkable R emarks ST R IK IN G S E N T E N C E S FO R B U S Y R E AD E R S

Gospel is th a t God comes to the unfit. There are many monkey-Christians. Monkeys Will come and warm by th e fire, b u t will never throw on a b it of wood. It should be our aim to draw all we can from Christ by prayer and re tu rn all we can to Him by praise. The fear of being called a fool has driven many to folly. I t is th e things we cannot spare which make our offering alive. If we are branches of th e T rue Vine and feel the edge of the pruning knife, it is God’s way of telling us we are to bear more fru it. He who would save his life from all possibility of failu re will lose his best possibilities. One is sometimes tempted to th ink th a t th e Lord made one m istake in His process of creation, in d istribu ting the power of speech indiscrim inately. One repulsive Christian will drive away a score of prodigals. God’s love for poor sinners is very wonderful, bu t His patience w ith ill- n atu red sain ts is a deeper mystery. We learn wisdom from failu re much more th a n from success, and he who never made a m istake never made a discovery. Reckon him a C hristian indeed who is no t ashamed of th e Gospel nor a shame to it. The man who will go out of his way to kick a dog cannot be tru sted any­ where. God never puts anyone in a place too sm all to grow in. I t is while you resist little tem p ta­ tions th a t you are growing stronger. Christian Science is a cure for an imaginary ailm en t or an im aginary cure for a rea l ailment.

Be n o t so ready to charge ignorance o r m istake upon others as to suspect yourself of it. L ight somebody’s torch and your own will bu rn th e brigh ter. Make God your T rustee. Believe in H is care of your welfare. T h at prayer ascends highest th a t comes from th e lowest depths of a hum ­ bled heart. It is strange how some people can w ithhold from the world, w ithou t cofn- punction, th e best news th a t ever came into it. W alk in th e company of vain though ts all th e day and thou w ilt h ard ly sh u t th e door upon them when thou goest into th y closet. Many call th e Church th e ir mother whom God will no t own to be His children. No man can worship intelligently any more of God th a n he knows. Difficulties and distresses when you a re in aggressive Christian work, are no indication th a t you are ou t of divine order, h u t are, ra th e r, a vigorous h in t th a t you should p u t into it more wit, wisdom and w arm work. Our bodies are th e temples of th e Holy Ghost. We are b u t th e jan ito rs, whose business it is to keep them swept clean. Some preachers lam bast th e people because they do n o t pay more when the people are feeling they are paying for all they get. Lip praise is never ou tlet enough for g ratefu l h ea rts when God gives the ability for o ther service also. There is much so-called “ penitential crying” th a t is only “ hypocritical lying.” If we were to believe in “ th e survival of th e fittest” th e re would be little hope fo r m ost of us, b u t th e glory of the

Our President’s Collosal Blunder

‘The bowing of our Ckief Magistrate to that strange and pernicious mixture of politics and religion that is headed up at Rome”

Bj) Dr. R. A . TORREY Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

The writer of this article has been a great admirer of President Wilson. While he has had occasion to criticise his attitude and his action in some matters, on the whole he has been in the heartiest sympathy with President Wilson’s conduct of our national affairs and our international relations. He has considered him in many ways one of the wisest statesmen that we have ever had in America. But certainly President Wilson has made recently one of the most colossal blunders that was ever made by an Amer­ ican President. We refer, of course, to his visit to the Pope. Nothing could possibly be more foolish in itself and more injurious to the highest interests of this country than this visit. It was entirely unnecessary. Pope Benedict has done nothing to entitle him to any consideration from this country. He has played, as far as he dared, into the hands of the Kaiser and the Central Powers. This was so evident that President Wilson himself was compelled to treat his peace proposals with something of the scant courtesy that they deserved, and yet our President, not merely as an individual, but as he has repeatedly said in every country that he has visited, representing the United States, of America, has seen fit to do the subtle and wily eccle­ siastic an homage that he has rendered to none of the kings or leading states­ men among our allies who have fought so nobly with us at so great sacrifice. King George of England came to see the President first. King Albert of Belgium welcomed him with great honor. The King of Italy visited him first in Paris and afterwards went a long ways to meet him in Italy. But President Wilson went to see the Pope instead of the Pope coming to see him, and permitted the Pope to make the conditions under which alone he would receive him. We are filled with shame of face. This is no time to stir up religious antagonisms, antagonisms between Protestants and Roman Catholics in this country, but nothing could possibly be done more calculated to stir up such antagonisms than this action of our President. It is not likely that President Wilson could have been re-elected even if he had not taken this action; for the people of America have what is probably an ineradicable hostility to a third term on the part of any man, no matter how wise nor excellent his administration. But if there had been any prospect before, this will certainly kill it. This is a Protestant nation, and the nation as a whole will not tolerate the bowing of our Chief Magistrate to that strange and pernicious mixture of politics and religion that is headed up at Rome. The two great perils of this country at the present day are Anarchy, or Bolshevism, and Romanism. Rome is not concealing her aims regarding America. The following Roman Catholic utterance from the National Catholic Register is an illustration of th is: “Catholicism is, and always has been, a practical religion. There is no sin th a t it cannot forgive or absolve; th e re is no hum an soul so ignorant, lowly or degraded th a t cannot seek sh elter and peace under its divinely protecting wings.

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 203 It was founded on Jesus, th e Son of God and Mary; upon th e etern al rock of tru th ; and Jesu s was practical. He bestowed sp iritu al blessings upon every soul-weary sinner who came seeking th e life etern al; He healed th e sick and fed those who hungered. In founding His church he beseeched His apostles to be practical, using whatever good th ing th e F a th e r placed w ithin th e ir reach, b e i t political power, education, money or other m aterial thing. All things consecrated to the use of th e Holy Catholic Church. “ It is God’s plan th a t th e Holy F a th e r of Rome should be th e sp iritual and tem poral head of His Kingdom on earth . I t is th e same today as in th e tim e of th e first pope. The b est way to accomplish th is is th ro u g h political power, th rough1 religious education and service. God has doubly blessed the Catholic Church of America by placing one of its m ost fa ith fu l sons a t th e rig h t h an d of P resid en t Wilson. Next to th e P resident, Hon. Joseph Tumulty, K n igh t of Columbus, th irty - th ird degree, w ields th e g re a te st political power of any m an in America, and as a tru e Catholic he is exercising th e g re a t tr u s t which God has given into his hands fo r th e glory of th e holy church. Through his ta c t and holy zeal he has created a w arm friendship between th e Catholic Church and P residen t Wilson, tog eth er w ith th e Democratic party . O ther presidents have feared th e power of th e holy Church and have courted its support, politically, by g ran ting it childish favors, which deceived no one. But th is is th e first tim e in th e histo ry of th e country w hen th e P re sid e n t an d a g re a t po litical p a rty h ave openly sough t an equal an d honest* alliance w ith th e Catholic Church. (This was w ritten before th e P residen t visited th e Pope. The w riter m ight have much more to add along th e same line now .) And before seeking th is political alliance, the P resid en t and his p arty have shown th e ir good faith by works. Through the efforts of Hon. Joseph Tumulty, P resi­ den t W ilson has practically g ran ted th a t education in th e Philippines shall be under control of th e Catholic Church; and th a t religious activity in th e g reat American Army shall be under th e direction of the K nights of Columbus. This means th e addition to th e church of one m illion of th e country’s best and bravest young men, or a t least th e ir strong preference and sympathy fo r the Catholic Church.” F u rth e r on th e w riter says: “All these things, and more, show th a t P resi­ den t W ilson a n d th e Democratic p arty are sincere in th e ir friendship for th e Catholic Church. This is only as it should be, because the Democratic p arty is th e one in which is found alm ost ninety per cent of th e Catholics. By an alliance between th e Catholic Church and th e Democratic party, th e ideals of both will be made secure by creating a dom inant political organization. This may he proved by actual figures. The country is norm ally Republican by about th ree m illion votes. There is not much douht th a t th e Catholic Church can give to the Demo­ cratic p arty two m illion more votes, especially w ith woman suffrage, because in th e ir devotion to th e cause, in th e ir noble devotion to th e Church, th e women of th e Catholic faith w ill vote first fo r its in terest. “The Catholics will soon have an opportunity to prove th e ir appreciation of P resid en t W ilson’s friendship, and a t th e same tim e increase th e ir political pres­ tige and stren g th .” F u rth e r on the w riter says: “ Every Catholic m ust awake to his duty and stand by b is church an d P re sid en t W ilson.” Is it not time that Protestants awaken to the peril that confronts us? History abundantly proves what Rome in political power in any nation, means. Every evangelical Christian, and especially every member of the Presbyterian denomination, which has made so much boast of our President being a Presbyterian must be filled with shame of face and sorrow of heart to see a leader who has probably had a more general backing from the people in this country than any President of modern times handing himself over to be the conscious or unconscious tool of that most dangerous of all existing organizations, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. These Roman Cath­ olic words should startle the most indifferent and somnolent of us and arouse Us into a sense of the daily peril of the hour. It is a significant fact that none of our great secular daily papers, as far as the writer has seen, has dared to criticise President Wilson’s


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S conduct m this matter. Even the papers that are most hostile to him have kept strangely silent about this. The Roman Catholie Church has a perilous power and influence over the politicians and press of America today Many far sighted Christian people shook their heads when John R. Mott consented to an alliance with the Knights of Columbus in the recent War Work cam­ paign. Dr. Mott gave as his reason that though first it was against his judgment, it was the wish of the President. ” We see how unsafe it is to go by the wishes of the President when it concerns the question of the Roman Catholie Church. A very prominent Baptist minister of the South Rev. J. B. Gambrell, in the Baptist Standard of December 5th calls attention to the fact tha t: “ In th e course of events every non-Catholic Christian body in America was ou^ ° f th e camps, and th e Catholics had free access to th e camps for th e ir buildings and th e ir denom inational work on both sides of the sea. And in a g reat tor w ar work funds, th e Catholics get th e rise of $30,000,000 for th e ir special work. Not ano th er C hristian denom ination was recognized in any way. I t may be well to say, th a t th e Y. M. C. A. did not and could no t rep resen t any denom ination. I b etray no confidence when I say B rother T ru e tt w anted to go overseas as a simple B aptist preacher, bu t he was not per- m itted to do it. He had to w ear a “ Y” uniform or no t go. Our boards w anted to send men, b u t were no t allowed to do so. We. besought, we protested, we did all we could to get some privileges, b u t nothing could be done. The Catholics swarmed over m th e ir clerical garbs and used th e ir special privileges and the g reat sums given them in th e in terests of th e ir Church. It is in th is way th a t they hope to swing 1,000,000 boys th e ir way.” way tn a t Is it not time that the Protestants of America awakened to the serious­ ness of the crisis that is upon us, and spoke out, and spoke out in such a way that President Wilson would be forced to listen, and that others who are trying to hand this country over to the Roman Catholic Church would be forced to listen. Mr. Gambrell further says i a ~ nd ° ^ er? have been p u t a t a g reat disadvantage. The unionizers and th e Catholics, working in accord, have had full swing in th e g reatest times we have ever seen. And they still occupy th e w ar stage, all of it. We must recognize accomplished facts, face th e difficulties made for us, get under the heavier burdens, and prove ourselves w orthy of our ancestors by matching diffi­ culties w ith a new consecration and valor. One good th ing has already refu lted Baptists, of every section of th e country, and all shades of opinion on o ther m at­ ters, have been b rough t tog eth er on the. w ar issues. The first try ou t of th e Catho­ lic combine w ith th e Democratic p arty in n ational politics proved disastrous There are many reasons to believe th a t th e South, a fte r the w ar issues are settled m m b e .!.° com-Pletely sh u t up to one party. N atu rally prohibition and woman’s suffrage will soon be settled. We will then face th e Catholic issue in politics No Pa,r t y wUl live m th e South th a t dickers w ith Catholicism. The g reat non- Catholic denom inations, side-tracked during th e war, will smash sectarianism fn as lrf1ede®“ ably as tb e K aiser and his m ilitary machine have been smashed I and thousands of tru e American Catholics will help to do it.” smasnea.i We hope that Dr. Gambrell will prove a true prophet. We are inclined to thmk he will. Any way, President Wilson’s surrender to Roman ' Catholicism ought to arouse all who have any conception of the iniauities and subtleties of the Roman Catholic machine to nation-wide and effective action. l,u ,c



JiO BAN ON “JESUS IS COMING” It has been repo rted from tim e to tim e th a t Dr. W. E. B lackstone’s book, “ Jesus is Coming” was one of th e books banned by th e Censor from th e libraries . in m ilitary camps. An article in the L ite ra ry Digest of October 12 gave in th e list of books barred from th e lib ra r­ ies, one en titled “Jesus is Com ing,” whereupon many who are opposed to th e tru th of th e second coming of the Lord jumped a t th e idea th a t th e gov­ ernm en t had th u s branded th e teach­ ing as “ pro-German.” However, the fact is th a t it was not Mr. B lackstone’s book a t all th a t was pu t under th e ban, b u t a curious pam phlet issued a t K an­ sas City. Mr. B lackstone’s book has been tran slate d into 26 languages and h as had a to ta l issue to date of over 500,000 copies. I t is w ithout doubt, one of th e strong est books published setting fo rth what th e Scriptures teach in regard to th e blessed hope. A le tte r to Mr. Blackstone from Major R. Hughes for B rigadier Gen. M. Churchill, director of m ilitary intelligence and chief m ilitary censor, says: “The book w ith the title ‘Jesu s is Coming’ which was included in our list of books barred from camps and which doubtless th e L ite ra ry Digest quoted is a tra c t pub­ lished by th e T ru th Publishing Co., K ansas City, Mo., under date of 1918. Evidently th ere has been some con­ fusion in th e identity of the book in question owing to th e sim ilarity in title .” GETTING AND KEEPING TRUTH (iod, who gives an eye to see tru th , m ust give a hand to hold it. W h at we have from God we cannot keep w ithout God; keep, therefore, th y acquaintance w ith God, or else tru th will no t keep h er acquaintance w ith thee. God is lig h t; thou a r t going into th e d ark as soon as thou tu fn e st thy back upon Him.-—Selected.

CAMOUFLAGED PROFANITY In th e Girls’ Companion, published by th e David C. Cook Co., of E lgin, 111., we observe the following expression: “ Gee, I wish th ere was something I could do.” I t is a singular th ing th a t people who are otherw ise scrupulous about avoiding pro fan ity will* freely use th is word “Gee.” We have even heard m inisters use it. The David C. Cook Co. is well known as one of th e biggest religious publishing concerns in the country, and th e fact th a t it would ad­ m it such a term into one of its publica­ tions, especially one intended for girls, shows how much carelessness th e re is on th e subject. “Gee” is simply an ab­ breviation of “ Jesu s” and you m ight as well swear by tak ing th e name of Jesus in vain as by using th is abbreviation of it. Everybody would be shocked if the G irls’ Companion had said: "Jesu s, I wish th e re was something to da,” and yet th e one form would be no less pro­ fane th a n the other. I t is no t su rp ris­ ing th a t when church people who pro­ fess to set a good example to others and who certainly should do so allow themselves to use pro fan ity in th is way. E very Sunday school teacher in th e land should impress it on th e children th a t “Gee” is as much sw earing as “ Jesu s” is, and th e m inisters should issue the same caution. People who use such camouflaged pro fan ity do no t realize th a t it is pro fan ity ; they consider it a harm less expletive. But if they are ig­ n o ran t of the facts they should be told of them and they should make it a point to avoid such fau lts if they w an t to be good. As th e P athfinder has pointed out before, practically all th e expletives in common use are euphem isms for pro­ fanity. They were adopted and perpet­ uated by people who did not have the courage to swear roundly b u t who wished to vent th e ir feelings by adopt­ ing something th a t sounded as n ear like it as possible.— Pathfinder.

Tke “N o Man”

A CKaracteristic Sermon Preached Several Weeks Ago at his Great Church in Seattle, ’Washington


ing from locomotorataxia, b rough t on by disease th e resu lt of sin. Every phy­ sician h ere knows th e ch aracter of disease. He was suffering very much and every tim e th e w aters were dis­ tu rbed by th e Angel, he made an effort to reach th e pool. It is impossible for anyone afflicted w ith th a t disease to w alk w ith any degree of precision. It it only a question of tim e when the m ind and th e m ental power of th e man will be completely destroyed. So he made an effort to en ter th e w aters. He would arise in his faltering unsteady way. He could no t reach th e pool, because the men who were no t afflicted w ith th e same disease, b u t who had other troubles en tered th e w aters firs* and crowded th e pool, kep t him out, consequently he would recline, sit down, and wait. He had been afflicted for th irty -eigh t years and had grown accus­ tomed to his affliction and disappoints ment. A man can grow accustomed to disappointm ent. A man can bring his m ind down to th e condition of his body, and, th e re are people who actually luxu riate in th e ir sufferings. I have known people who were really happy when they were suffering and I have known people to get into a sta te of dis­ appointm ent th a t they would actually commercialize. Now th is man afflicted for th irty - eight years, had grown accustomed to his affliction and to his disappointm ent, because he h ad been going to th is pool for many years. It seems he was satis­ fied to try and try repeatedly, and when he had failed to reach th e w aters he

John 5:7'—“The im potent m an answ ered him , Sir, I have no m an w hen th e w ater is troubled, to p u t m e into the pool, b u t w hile I am com ing an o th er steppeth down before m e.“

SIS m iracle is in th e book a t th is place, no t because it is th e second m iracle, bu t because it m arks th e begin­ ning of th e anger of th e Jews, those in au tho rity , who finally concentrated

th e ir ang er in th e ir efforts to crucify Christ. F irst, le t me recite th e circum ­ stances. This pool, called Bethseda by th e sheep m arket, was supposed to con­ ta in certain curative properties. P er­ haps it had in it salt, su lphu r and some of th e o th er things you find in some of th e m ineral springs th a t are today used by rheum atics and others who are afflicted w ith sim ilar troubles. It has been improved very much. Around it were four or five porches for the pu r­ pose of receiving and aiding those who were trying to en ter its w aters. These porches were crowded. People of all descriptions were there. People w ith all kinds of diseases were there. The lame, th e blind, th e h alt, th e diseased of every description w ent to th is pool, occupied these porches, rem ained th ere un til they had an opportunity of en ter­ ing th e w aters. Some frequented th is place often. They w ent day a fte r day before they had an opportunity of te st­ ing th e curative powers of these waters. The man in th is tex t h ad gone th ere for many weeks and months. He was th ere a t the opening of th e season. He was th e re in th e m iddle of th e season. He was th e re a t th e end. He was suffer­


207 into his will when Christ said to him “W ilt thou be made w hole?” He said no man will lift me into th e w aters. I have “ no m an” who will pick me up and p u t me in, when th e angel disturbs th e waters. There is not a more p ath etic tex t in all the Bible th a n th is one. There is no t a more pathetic sinner in all the world th a n th is one. Second— Let me present him again: H ere are scores of people asking for the benefits of these w aters, and h ere is a poor man, afflicted for th irty -eigh t years, and h ere is th e angel disturbing th e w aters, and people leaping in. When th e angel comes again and dis­ tu rb s th e w aters th is poor afflicted man sta rts, b u t only th e shuffling of th e feet, only th e h alting mind, he can make no headway, and by th a t tim e somebody else is in th e w aters and hope is blasted. Then the g reat Son of God comes to him and says, “ Sir, w ilt th o u ?” There is a remedy, th e re is a healer, th ere is a power, th e re is some­ th ing you may have. There is some­ body who will take th e place you need to have taken now. “Yes, I would be made whole, b u t no man lifts me in .” My friends, I w an t to stop and ta lk to you about th a t “No Man.” T hat is the most p ath etic sinner in all history. T h at poor afflicted man looking into the face of Jesus says to him, “No Man will lift me up.” . F irs t of all let us adm it, which we are perfectly w illing to do, th a t the afflicted ones are all around us, th e depraved ones are all around us, those in need are all around us, and those who need th e m inistering hand of the “No Man” are all around us. In every dep artm en t of life you will find suffer­ ing, sorrow, disease, bankruptcy, fail­ u re and th e downcast, the outcast, and the man who has lost his grip lying a t the pool w ithin reach of resto ration of life, of health, of power and initiative. But between th e pool and the poor diseased man th ere is “no m an” who

Dr. M A R K A . M A T T H EW S

would sit down wholly contented. He never seemed to th in k th ere was any­ th ing else he could reach except th a t pool. He did no t seem to have any faith in anything except th e w ater. Christ came to th e man and said to him, “Sir, w ilt th o u ?” You m ight ask me why Christ said th at. Because He had to bring the m an’s will into play. It was impossible to do anything for him un til th e man him self had his whole will stirred , un til th e will power began to move, display life and began to grip. He had been to th e pool for weeks and months and perhaps years, b u t nobody had p u t him into th e pool. He had not reached it himself, b u t his faith had no t been stirred . He had n o t been lifted, and Christ said to him, “ Sir, w ilt thou be made whole?” You m ight ask w hether or not th a t was a superfluous question. No. I t is impossible for one to be saved un til he is conscious of th e helplessness and hopelessness of his state. Christ pu t th e question to him for the purpose of lifting his will above th e pool, above his surroundings, above th e waters, above everything else. “W ilt thou be made w hole?” Yes. He did not say “ Yes” because he was th e re a t th e pool, bu t bfecause something had been injected into his will by th e question. There was a new life, and a new power put



th e appeal, it is an indictm ent of you, and, th ird , if you do n o t heed th e indict­ ment, th en it is th e g reatest warning you have ever had given to you. Why? Because if th e appeal is no t answered, if th e indictm ent is no t quashe^d, then th e judgm en t and th e penalty for no t filling th e gap will fall upon you. Sup­ pose Christ had no t come to th a t poor man by th e pool. Suppose Christ had not come, he would have gone on to th e pool for weeks, he would have crawled up on th e porch for months, he would have shuffled his way th rough th a t crowd fo r years, and, then, poor fellow unhelped and unsaved would have gone ou t into th e darkness of etern al torm ent, and in his dying mo­ ments Said th a t he lay a t th e pool afflicted for th irty -eigh t years, b u t “ no m an,” “ no m an,” “ no m an” would lift him into th e w aters. I say to you th a t th a t “ no m an” whoever he was would have stood before th e b ar of God and been made to suffer th e dam nation of th a t man. I t is an appeal, it is an indictm ent, and if you do no t clear yourself of th e in d ic tm e n t' th en it becomes a w arning of th e execution of th e judgm en t to follow th e crime of neglect you have comm itted. Now le t us see. The same th ing is tru e, my friends, in church work. There are hundreds and thousands of people all around you, who are lying n ear the pool Of God’s grace, b u t no man lifts them up and pu ts them in. W here are you? Where are you? I say th is is the g reatest appeal from an evangelis­ tic standpoint th a t could be made to an audience. There are people who are today w aiting for you to lift them into th e pool of salvation. You say they ought no t to wait. You say they can accept Christ. You say they ought to find th e ir way into th e pool. You make many excuses, b u t th e fact rem ains they will never tak e th e step un til you offer yourself as th e crutch upon which to lean. I say, w ithou t th e fear of con­ tradiction, th a t th e re is somebody on

will p u t th e diseased and th e pool to ­ gether. There Is no man standing in th is gap who will close it up. T h at is tru e in business. There are hundreds and thousands of men all over th is country, speaking of them commercially and in a figurative sense, who are suf­ fering from locomotorataxia. There is a pool of commercial resto ration , h u t "no m an” is th e re to p u t them to ­ gether. I t is tru e politically. There are hundreds and thousands of men in th is country and in o th er countries who m ight be good citizens and who m ight occupy places of power and influence, b u t they are impotent, they are dis­ eased, they have lo st grip; and power over th e th ing s of life. There is poli­ tical resto ration , b u t th e re is “ no m an” to bring them together. And it is tru e socially. There are hundreds and thousands of people all over th is country who are valuable people, who were people of power, influence and m ight a t one tim e b u t th e wheel turned, m isfortune came, disease followed. They stepped aside out of th e ir place, and when a man gets ou t of th e place in which he was once standing, it is most difficult for him to get in again. In fact he will never get in unless some man fills th e gap between him and his lo st opportunities. I stood th e o ther day and looked a t a crowd on th e street, and asked God to give me power to make a sermon. I looked around and knew a g reat many of th e people. Many of them were going to waste, many of them were out of line, so many of th em were n o t in th e place God would have them occupy. They were impotent, mentally, morally, socially, physically, financially. There is a pool of resto ration , b u t th e re is “ no m an” to bring them to th e pool while th e God of Mercy disturbs the w aters. My friends, th is is an appeal to you. I say to you th a t th e u tteran ce of th is poor afflicted man is first an appeal to you, and, second, if you do no t heed

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