King's Business - 1919-03


R eally R emarkable R emarks ST R IK IN G S E N T E N C E S FO R B U S Y R E AD E R S

Gospel is th a t God comes to the unfit. There are many monkey-Christians. Monkeys Will come and warm by th e fire, b u t will never throw on a b it of wood. It should be our aim to draw all we can from Christ by prayer and re tu rn all we can to Him by praise. The fear of being called a fool has driven many to folly. I t is th e things we cannot spare which make our offering alive. If we are branches of th e T rue Vine and feel the edge of the pruning knife, it is God’s way of telling us we are to bear more fru it. He who would save his life from all possibility of failu re will lose his best possibilities. One is sometimes tempted to th ink th a t th e Lord made one m istake in His process of creation, in d istribu ting the power of speech indiscrim inately. One repulsive Christian will drive away a score of prodigals. God’s love for poor sinners is very wonderful, bu t His patience w ith ill- n atu red sain ts is a deeper mystery. We learn wisdom from failu re much more th a n from success, and he who never made a m istake never made a discovery. Reckon him a C hristian indeed who is no t ashamed of th e Gospel nor a shame to it. The man who will go out of his way to kick a dog cannot be tru sted any­ where. God never puts anyone in a place too sm all to grow in. I t is while you resist little tem p ta­ tions th a t you are growing stronger. Christian Science is a cure for an imaginary ailm en t or an im aginary cure for a rea l ailment.

Be n o t so ready to charge ignorance o r m istake upon others as to suspect yourself of it. L ight somebody’s torch and your own will bu rn th e brigh ter. Make God your T rustee. Believe in H is care of your welfare. T h at prayer ascends highest th a t comes from th e lowest depths of a hum ­ bled heart. It is strange how some people can w ithhold from the world, w ithou t cofn- punction, th e best news th a t ever came into it. W alk in th e company of vain though ts all th e day and thou w ilt h ard ly sh u t th e door upon them when thou goest into th y closet. Many call th e Church th e ir mother whom God will no t own to be His children. No man can worship intelligently any more of God th a n he knows. Difficulties and distresses when you a re in aggressive Christian work, are no indication th a t you are ou t of divine order, h u t are, ra th e r, a vigorous h in t th a t you should p u t into it more wit, wisdom and w arm work. Our bodies are th e temples of th e Holy Ghost. We are b u t th e jan ito rs, whose business it is to keep them swept clean. Some preachers lam bast th e people because they do n o t pay more when the people are feeling they are paying for all they get. Lip praise is never ou tlet enough for g ratefu l h ea rts when God gives the ability for o ther service also. There is much so-called “ penitential crying” th a t is only “ hypocritical lying.” If we were to believe in “ th e survival of th e fittest” th e re would be little hope fo r m ost of us, b u t th e glory of the

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