King's Business - 1919-03

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S 203 It was founded on Jesus, th e Son of God and Mary; upon th e etern al rock of tru th ; and Jesu s was practical. He bestowed sp iritu al blessings upon every soul-weary sinner who came seeking th e life etern al; He healed th e sick and fed those who hungered. In founding His church he beseeched His apostles to be practical, using whatever good th ing th e F a th e r placed w ithin th e ir reach, b e i t political power, education, money or other m aterial thing. All things consecrated to the use of th e Holy Catholic Church. “ It is God’s plan th a t th e Holy F a th e r of Rome should be th e sp iritual and tem poral head of His Kingdom on earth . I t is th e same today as in th e tim e of th e first pope. The b est way to accomplish th is is th ro u g h political power, th rough1 religious education and service. God has doubly blessed the Catholic Church of America by placing one of its m ost fa ith fu l sons a t th e rig h t h an d of P resid en t Wilson. Next to th e P resident, Hon. Joseph Tumulty, K n igh t of Columbus, th irty - th ird degree, w ields th e g re a te st political power of any m an in America, and as a tru e Catholic he is exercising th e g re a t tr u s t which God has given into his hands fo r th e glory of th e holy church. Through his ta c t and holy zeal he has created a w arm friendship between th e Catholic Church and P residen t Wilson, tog eth er w ith th e Democratic party . O ther presidents have feared th e power of th e holy Church and have courted its support, politically, by g ran ting it childish favors, which deceived no one. But th is is th e first tim e in th e histo ry of th e country w hen th e P re sid e n t an d a g re a t po litical p a rty h ave openly sough t an equal an d honest* alliance w ith th e Catholic Church. (This was w ritten before th e P residen t visited th e Pope. The w riter m ight have much more to add along th e same line now .) And before seeking th is political alliance, the P resid en t and his p arty have shown th e ir good faith by works. Through the efforts of Hon. Joseph Tumulty, P resi­ den t W ilson has practically g ran ted th a t education in th e Philippines shall be under control of th e Catholic Church; and th a t religious activity in th e g reat American Army shall be under th e direction of the K nights of Columbus. This means th e addition to th e church of one m illion of th e country’s best and bravest young men, or a t least th e ir strong preference and sympathy fo r the Catholic Church.” F u rth e r on th e w riter says: “All these things, and more, show th a t P resi­ den t W ilson a n d th e Democratic p arty are sincere in th e ir friendship for th e Catholic Church. This is only as it should be, because the Democratic p arty is th e one in which is found alm ost ninety per cent of th e Catholics. By an alliance between th e Catholic Church and th e Democratic party, th e ideals of both will be made secure by creating a dom inant political organization. This may he proved by actual figures. The country is norm ally Republican by about th ree m illion votes. There is not much douht th a t th e Catholic Church can give to the Demo­ cratic p arty two m illion more votes, especially w ith woman suffrage, because in th e ir devotion to th e cause, in th e ir noble devotion to th e Church, th e women of th e Catholic faith w ill vote first fo r its in terest. “The Catholics will soon have an opportunity to prove th e ir appreciation of P resid en t W ilson’s friendship, and a t th e same tim e increase th e ir political pres­ tige and stren g th .” F u rth e r on the w riter says: “ Every Catholic m ust awake to his duty and stand by b is church an d P re sid en t W ilson.” Is it not time that Protestants awaken to the peril that confronts us? History abundantly proves what Rome in political power in any nation, means. Every evangelical Christian, and especially every member of the Presbyterian denomination, which has made so much boast of our President being a Presbyterian must be filled with shame of face and sorrow of heart to see a leader who has probably had a more general backing from the people in this country than any President of modern times handing himself over to be the conscious or unconscious tool of that most dangerous of all existing organizations, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. These Roman Cath­ olic words should startle the most indifferent and somnolent of us and arouse Us into a sense of the daily peril of the hour. It is a significant fact that none of our great secular daily papers, as far as the writer has seen, has dared to criticise President Wilson’s

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