King's Business - 1919-03

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


to ta lk about. You have something th a t has stood th e te st of ages. You have something th a t has stood th e te st of th e fires of hell. You have some­ th ing abou t which Christ said “ th e gates of hell shall no t prevail against it.” Why don’t you ta lk it? Why don’t you ta lk it? T h at woman is indifferent to h er church duties, b u t it is your fault. She does no t perform h er church duty; it is your fau lt. “No woman” came in, filled th e gap and lifted h er into th e pool of loyalty, faithfulness and zeal. Why didn’t you lift h er up? I sent you to see Smith, begged you to go and see Brown, and to follow up Jones. I begged you to look after somebody else. Why didn’t you do it? Brown is dead. Jones is in the peniten­ tiary. Smith is a fugitive from justice. Why didn’t you go afte r him when I told you to go? He was lying a t the pool begging and I asked you to fill th a gap between his necessities and the remedy. Why didn’t you act th e “no m an” and fill th e gap? Why didn’t you? Oh, my friends, if th e zeal of th e Christians of today were more m ani­ fest th e re would not be an auditorium in America th a t would hold th e people. If th e house Of God were filled With people on fire trying to get sinners to accept the plan of salvation, they would be knocking a t th e doors asking for adm ission, in order th a t they m ight propound the question, “W hat shall we do to be saved?” No man helped me in.

THE BIBLE, NOT BULLETS It was Bibles, no t bullets, th a t whip­ ped Bulgaria. I t is no t a w ar correspondent’s job to investigate and praise or criticize m issionaries and th e ir work abroad, but if I tell th e tru th , as I ’ve seen it first hand in th e Balkans and th e Levant, I am forced to say th a t th rough mission­ ary influence in th e Levant th e Bulga­ rian s are lovers of America. In Monastir, in 1915, when the allies were en tering before th e Germans and Bulgars, one American flag floated over th a t town th a t never came down. It was th e flag on th e m issionary school conducted by Dr. Jam es Clark. Into th e school he took hundreds of refugees and th e Bulgars considered it as sanc­ tuary. The children in th a t school were ta u g h t English. In Sofia, Dr. C lark’s fath er, almost 90, who had spent 70 years in th e Amer­ ican mission schools in Bulgaria, was one of th e most notable and influential personages in th e Bulgarian capital. It was estim ated th a t some 40,000 Bulgar youths had passed th rough his schools and into the public and business life of Bulgaria. Americans like C. R. Crane and o th ­ ers have pu t trem endous sums into m is­ sionary work in th is p a rt of th e world. Most of it has centered about the R ob ert’s College, Constantinople. W ith the. Bible as a basis of th e ir work— because it was in th is p art of th e world th a t St. P aul did his most vigorous work — th e American m issionaries ta u g h t farm ing, shoemaking, mechanics, car­ pentering and many other practical things th a t m ight serve to make life more com fortable for th e Levantine and Balkan folks.—W. G. Shepherd.

FIRE AND WATER BAPTISM During one of th e late advances of the American army, while German aero­ planes were buzzing overhead and Ger­ man artillery was throw ing shells about them , 300 American soldiers were im -' mersed in th e Marne riv er by a B aptist clergyman.

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