King's Business - 1919-03


212 P - ls the death knell to virtue, man­ hood, womanhood, respect for law, hum an life or property rights. The crim inal theologians who have preached “H igher C riticism ,’’ “Modern­ ism ,” and Tom Paineism in th e name of science and scholarship have brought a reign of te rro r to th e very doors of th e in stitu tion s of lib erty and civiliza­ tion. The governments have done well to lock up Russellites and o th er opposers of defensive w arfare b u t th e leaders of opposition to all governmental au th o r­ ity are th e scholastic crim inals in the theological sem inaries, pulpits, univer­ sities, colleges and o th er in stitu tion s who have popularized contempt for the Government of God and th e authority, th e V irgin B irth— th e deity and the sub stitu tion ary atonem ent of His Son-i&t our Lord Jesus Christ! And th e au ­ tho rity , Divine Origin, inspiration and inerrancy of the original scriptures. The best protection I know of against fu r­ th e r progress of these insidious theo­ logical and philosophical demagogues would be to in te rn all of the breed who teach and preach the P ru ssian atheistic philosophy in th e form of th e “H igher C riticism !” The b light of Bolshevism can be seen a t a glance a t a recen t message from Russia via London, which I cut from a Winnipeg, Canada, paper recently while conducting an evangel­ istic m eeting in th a t city. “Bolsheviki Open Free Love Bureau.” London, Oct. 25, 1918.— Russian maidens under th e jurisdiction of cer­ ta in provincial Bolsheviki soviets be­ come th e property of th e state, when th ey reach eighteen years of age and are compelled to reg ister a t a govern­ m ent bu reau of free-love, according to the official gazette of th e V ladivim ir Soviet and W orkers and Soldiers depu­ ties, which recently published th a t soviets decree on the subject. Under th e decree every man between th e ages of nineteen and fifty has the


rig h t to choose a cohabitant w ithout the consent of th e women. Children born of such unions become th e prop­ erty of th e sta te .” This indicates th e fact th a t hell has boiled over and its ou tlet is through th e blood-red socialistic gaiig which ' “ b reath e out th reaten in g s” again st God Almighty, th e Church, th e S tate and thereby th rea ten to underm ine the home and th e v irtue of our women and girls. | The g reatest work of our age is not to “m ake th e world safe for democracy” b u t to make th e world safe for Jesus Christ and H is Gospel. When He came 1900 years ago they crucified Him— and th e theological N ihilists in high places aided and abetted by the Socialists, Communists, Bolsheviki, Anarchists and N ihilists and all Anti-Christian sects would nail Him to a cross should He come in hum ility today. God’s pro­ gram is th is: “And to you who are troubled re st w ith us, when the Lord shall be revealed from heaven w ith His m ighty angels. In flaming fire tak ing veng­ eance on them th a t know no t God, and th a t obey no t th e gospel of our Lord Jesu s Christ; who shall be punished w ith th e everlasting destruction from th e presence of th e Lord and from th e glory of His power.” 2 Thess. 1:7-9.

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