King's Business - 1919-03

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Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students

in years and when I h eard th e bells ringing' out th a t song, ‘Rock of Ages, cleft for me; let me hide myself in th ee,’ I though t it was a message from heaven direct to me.” T h at very evening, th e woman came into th e service and was saved. A woman who had obstinately rejected Christ as her Savior for a long time, sat one evening i n . the darkness by h er opened window when th e bells rang out, “ J u st as I am w ithout one plea, b u t th a t thy blood was shed for me.” The message of th e old song came back to her and while th e bells rang, her h e a rt broke and she wept as she had not since a little child. When a Bible woman, th e next day, chanced to call upon her, she found a changed life, for she had said, “Oh Lamb of God, I come, I come.” A p arty of several people were one evening playing cards w ith much gaiety when th e notes of fam iliar old hymns came from th e bells. They left th e ir card tables to g ath er about th é open windows. When th e bells ceased ring ­ ing th e guests found they had lost th eir relish for th e card tables and th e cards were p u t away w ithou t finishing th e games. A boy dying of tuberculosis always begged to be draw n up to th e window as th e bells rang, and sent word th a t his favorite hymn was “ Sweet hou r of prayer, th a t leads me from a world of care.” Often for his benefit th is piece was played, and he has now gone on beyond, his way having been made a little easier because of th e testim ony of th e bells. An aged saint, for months has drawn close to th e window to catch the notes from th e bells and w ith paper and pen­ cil in hand jo ts down th e words of th e

NOTES PROM THE BELLS When a set of chimes was installed by th e Bible In stitu te, to be used as a testim ony for Jesus Christ, th ere were some who seemed doubtful if such an expenditure could ever b ring any ade­ quate resu lt in souls saved or saints helped. As th e months have rolled by, th e letters received and th e testimonies heard, fu rn ish abundan t evidence th a t th e Lord has set th e seal of H is Holy

Spirit to th e testimony of th e In stitu te bells. The first tim e th e bells were rung, a young man hastened to th e roof to learn who had rung th e bells, for he had encountered in th e stree t below a woman ru sh ing frantically about, look­ ing in every direction, as if to ascer­ ta in where th e strain s of th e fam iliar hymn “ Rock of Ages” were coming from . B ursting into tears, she ex­ claimed, “T h at was my m o th er’s favor­ ite hymn. I haven’t been in a church

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