King's Business - 1919-03



A form er stud en t who has b u t mod­ erate means, sen t th e K ings Business to 34 foreign m issionaries as a Christ­ mas present. Mesech K rikorian, ’17, has been to u r­ ing the country in the in terests of the A rm enian Relief Society. A boy has come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ranton, form er students. He was honored w ith the name “Hor­ to n ” Van Orsdel Ranton. Their address is 696 N. 16th St., Salem, Ore. Evangelist Chas. H. H arring ton of Sunbury, Pa., says of The K ing’s Busi­ ness, “The magazine is one of th e finest, if not th e best of its kind th a t I have seen. I expect to see it become a m ighty factor in the spreading of the T ru th .” W illiam C. W illiams, Manzanor, Cal., has successfully completed th e corre­ spondence course in Bible Doctrine. C. W. Costen, a form er student, is engaged in the Lord’s work a t Sterling, O. He is runn ing a bakery to pay expenses. Mr. Reynolds of Biola H all asks th a t form er studen ts who wish to be remem ­ bered a t th e daily noon meeting at Biola H all will wrjfte him. 338 S. Spring St., Los Angeles. A son was born December 27th to Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Gates, both form er students. Mrs. Gates was for­ merly Miss Mabel Christiansen. C. A. K ilw inski who has been doing m issionary work among the Indians at Flagstaff, Ariz., sends us the sad news th a t the Indian school and living quar­ ters were burned to the ground Decem­ ber* 21. The loss is a serious one as the w inter supplies were destroyed together w ith all th e personal effects of the w orkers and many of th e students. In our December num ber we gave an account of th is work among th e Indians. Mr. K ilw inski states th a t th e tem pera­ tu re has been runn ing a t about 10 degrees below zero and many of the students have inadequate clothing.

“MOTHER” HORTON who called a soul to Christ the first time she placed the bells

hymns being played, to the g reat inspir­ ation of th e life. Many a backslider has sought out the chime-ringer to tell how they were led to pause in th eir downward way by the message of “ Jesus lover of my soul,” “N earer my God to th ee,” “Almost persuaded,” or some o ther of the fam iliar hymns. Scores have been seen to stop a t noon­ tim e in th e streets to pray w ith bowed heads as th e bells chimed “ Sweet Hour of P ray er.’’ Only etern ity will reveal w hat th e Holy Spirit has been able to do w ith the testimony of bells consecrated to God and played by those who backed th e message of the bells w ith th eir prayers. As we go to press a g reat evangelistic campaign is opening in Los Angeles, under the leadership of Torrey and A lexander, f The meetings are being held in the In stitu te auditorium . Ac­ companying Mr. A lexander aré Mrs. Alexander; D.' A lbert Brown, soloist; Geo. W. Cooke, pian ist and Leonard C. Yoke, leader in personal evangelism. Several of the churches are có-operating w ith the In stitu te in th e meetings.

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