King's Business - 1919-03

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S They are looking to God’s people not only to make up th e losses bu t to enable them to pu t up a more sub stan ­ tia l in stitu tion for th e fu tu re work. We tru s t some of our read ers will lay this m a tte r to h eart. We will be very glad to forw ard any funds to Mr. K ilwinski to encourage these young Indian Chris­ tians. Mrs. Henry W ebendorfer (form erly Helen B lackman) w rites from San Pedro, Bolivia to Dr. Torrey: “ I can never be g ratefu l enough to you who were my teachers. So many things which you ta u g h t us have come to me w ith so much more force and w ith so much fu ller and rich er meaning now th a t I am really out in th e field a t work. How I do praise Him for the B. I. where I learned how to study His Word and to know H im self.” : . : . ; J. W. John ston who is now located a t Congo Beige, Africa, w rites,, “ I landed a t th is station (Dungu Mission) Jun e 3, and have been studying, doing village w ork and holding meetings as m e Lord has led and given me streng th . At first th e re seemed to be all th e microbes and parasites in creation fighting the leukocites. in my system. When th a t was over the devil tried things from the outside. As I walked down the path


th e o th er day th e power of H is shed blood was given to me to see and realize more th a n ever. W hat' an aw ful th ing it is to be tru stin g in .an y th in g else.” A m inister in Pennsylvania w rites: “ I have decided for my reading this year to have Bible magazines th a t stand for th e things I believe. We have some g reat denom inational journals, b u t if th e re is One th a t stands for th e funda­ mentals of th e Bible as summed up in your doctrinal statem ent, I should like to see it. Few will to lerate th e second coming of our Lord. Most of them are too denom inationally p at for me.” Mr. H o rton ’s mens’ Bible Class recently issued a ,32 page booklet set­ ting fo rth in proper classification w hat th e Scriptures teach on th e g rea t funda­ mentals of th e faith. This was prepared by Mr. Lyman Stewart. Accompanying th e booklet, they issued an adm irable folder by K eith L. Brooks. The la tte r is a ch art showing w h at each of th e p resen t day heresies teach on seven fundam ental doctrines of th e Bible, w ith S cripture references set in a column opposite. To th e num ber of fifty thousand, these two pieces of lite r­ a tu re Were spread over Los Angeles and surrounding cities.

^These are the Indian Students whose Christian School at Flag­ staff, Ariz., was burned down. Can you give them a lift in get- tingre-established in a newbuilding?

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