King's Business - 1919-03


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

to h ear all th e sordid ghost stories and of people dying, un til you wonder if you are in America or some fa r away heathen land, where sup erstition reigns supreme. The above is th e tru e sto ry of some of my experiences, and you will under­ stand th e g reat need when I say th a t “ th e half has. never been told.” Won’t you try and in te rest some of th e stu ­ dents and friends to p ray for us and our work here? Letcher county is said to be th e g reatest field for m issionary en terp rise in America. Sincerely yours, H. J. SCOTT. AMERICA’S SUICIDE RATE F. L. Hoffman, statistician of th e P ru ­ dential Life Insurance Co., in a recent number of th e Spectator makes th e su r­ prising statem en t th a t in th e period of 142 years since the United States took its place among th e nations of the world, more th a n 500,000 Americans have ended th e ir ea rth ly careers by sui­ cide. He estim ates th a t in 10 more years, making allowance for an increase in population and for a fu rth e r increase in the actu al number of suicides, an additional half m illion ad u lt lives will be ended in th e same way. Suicidal fre­ quency is found to be higher in Cali­ fornia th a n in any o th er section of the country. ALLENBY A PROPHETIC STUDENT General Allenby, it is in teresting to learn, is th é son of Mr. Hynman Allenby, who was a g reat stud en t of prophecy. He is a thoroughly Chris­ tia n man and th an k fu l to be used by A lm ighty God in th e lib eration of the Holy Land.

him words of w arning, which h e prom ­ ises to obey if he ever gets back home. In th e next house, th e m other is down in bed and fath e r has been try ing to tak e care of her and th e children. He cooked two pounds of rice and it filled th e bucket and ran all over th e floor un til he declared th e re m ust have been some m istake in th e size of the packet. On top of this, he had had poor success trying to m ake ho t cakes, for th e b at­ te r was so th in it ran all over the pan and burned down before it had set. In th e next room you find grandma, who has come in from th e country to help a bit, and she is washing young “Fess,” eleven years old, who smokes cigarettes before his parents, b u t is not old enough to wash him self and who hasn ’t been washed since m other got the “flues.” You try to get someone to do some w ashing for them , b u t everyone is scared of th e flu, and the only one you can g et to do the. job is an outcast woman. The next day you call on the man you saw staggering along th e stre e t to find him in bed w ith inflammation of the lungs, b u t th is does no t b ar him from smoking cigarettes while he trie s to ta lk to you. Thus th e m issionary has an infinite variety of experiences every day, and often th e re are h eart-b reak ing services to render. You remember th e n igh t you rode in a lumber wagon carrying a coffin containing th a t sweet little child whose paren ts were too sick to follow th e rem ains to the burying ground. (The m ountaineer loves his children w ith a fervor th a t is almost worship.) You ride over ten miles of th e roughest possible road; holding to the sides of the wagon w atching th e mule driver who sits upon th e coffin to keep it from jplt- ing overboard. You wonder if th e jou r­ ney will ever come to an end. , Almost frozen you arrive a t your destination, only to have to sit up all n igh t a t a mountain wake, where you are obliged

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