King's Business - 1919-03

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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I 'Hew#swounded » gre55ion5,heW fheI p rR “ our iniquities.-" iniquity hath laidonbin} ,3.5,6.) p therefore : v i le t the wickedForso |jj| , *nd the unrighteous*n*e£Urn Eg thoughts:and let him .¡j [ I unto the L ord , arid he 1Aive mercyupon ¡fltfla to o u r Q o d ,fo r he W in a b u n d a n tly p&rdo**: & J

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tran sito ry feelings and variable experi­ ences? Is no t th is a blessed place to re st when th e brain gets clouded, when the h e a rt gets sad and cold, and the adversary hu rls his fiery d arts into the self-accusing conscience? “He th a t h eareth my word, and be- lieveth on him th a t sen t me,” Jesus said, “ h ath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation, bu t is passed from death unto life.” “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give unto them etern al life, and they shall never perish, n either shall any man pluck them out of my h and .”^—F rom a sermon by Dr. A. B. Simpson.

AS “BROAD” AS THE WORLD The U nitarian Dr. S. A. E liot in his w ritings sent over th e country speaks of th e religious work of th e Y. M. C. A. w ith the soldiers as “ deficient in com­ mon sense and in ‘b road’ Christian spirit, failing to command the respect of the soldiers.” At the same tim e he acknowledges th e re is no o ther organ­ ization th a t could have taken its place. B u t why not? The U nitarians started th e “Young Men’s Christian Union.” One wonders why it is th a t th e ir organ­ ization is still plodding away on Boyl- ston St., Boston, while the Y. M. C. A. which, for th e most part, stands for evangelical religion has belted the

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