King's Business - 1919-03


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S BE YE VALIANT Everywhere are “men’s h ea rts failing them for fear for those things which are coming upon th e ea rth ,” but, “Let your hands be strengthened and be ye v alian t.” Many are departing “ from th e faith, giving heed to seducing sp irits,” tu rn ­ ing to New Thought, Destructive C riti­ cism, Spiritism , Russellism , Christian Scienceism and many other “ isms,” but, “L et your hands b e strengthened and be ye v alian t.” Many are “ luke-warm and n eith er cold nor h o t,” but, “Let your hands be strengthened and be ye v alian t.” Many are “luke-w arm and neith er faith which was once delivered unto th e saints,” but, “Let your hands be streng thened and be ye v alian t.” - Many deny th e D ivinity of Christ, th e inspiration of th e Bible, th e existence Of Hell, th e etern al punishm ent of the unsaved, etc., but, “L et your hands he streng thened and be ye v alian t.” Some are tu rn ing away from open doors and God-given opportunities, but, “L et your*' hands be strengthened and be ye v alian t.” Some are tu rn in g back from chosen p ath s and God-appointed labors, but, “Let your hands be streng thened and be ye v alian t.” Some live to eat, make a God of th eir ^bellies, and ru in th e ir health, but, “Let your hands be strengthened and be ye v alian t.” Some who once cried fervently unto God have ceased to pray, but, “ Let your hands be strengthened and he ye v alian t.” Some are b itte r and clamorous and speak evil of others, but, “L et your hands be streng then ed and be ye val­ ia n t.” Some m urm ur and stew and( fre t and scold and criticize and make life a b u r­ den to themselves and others, but, “Let your hands be strengthened and be ye v alian t.”

Some are much given to foolish ta lk ­ ing ,and jesting, but, “Let your hands be streng thened and be ye v alian t.” Some have no in te rest in giving to th e cause of Christ or in th e souls of men or in th e salvation of th e heathen, but, “Let your hands be strengthened and be ye v alian t.” Some who call “ th e Mother of H ar­ lots and Abom ination of th e E a rth ” a Christian Church, have no in te rest in giving th e Gospel to Roman Catholic lands (as d ark as A frica), but, “Let your hands be strengthened and be ye v alian t.” See to it th a t you are fully yielded to God; see to it th a t your life is con­ stan tly und er the direction of th e Holy S p irit; see to it th a t you righ tly divide th e Word of T ru th ; see to it th a t th e Bible is your daily companion; see to it th a t you have on th e whole arm our of God. ONLY THUS AND THUS CAN YOU BE VALIANT WITH STRENGTH­ ENED HANDS. —A. E. Bishop, Central America. The Catholic University of America is asking from the people of th a t faith th e imm ediate g ift of a t least $1,000,- 000 w ith which to commence the erec­ tion of a magnificent cathedral on th e University Grounds in W ashington in honor of th e V irgin Mary, “The Hea­ venly P atroness of the Catholic Church in th is country.” The call sent out by th e tru stees says, “We feel th a t to the intercession of Mary Imm aculate we owe our liberation from th e ho rro rs of war, and from th e g reater h o rro r of an intolerable slavery. We appeal also to all those who desire to m anifest in th is way th e ir belief in the sup ern atu ral life and who revere in th e Mother of God, th e wonderful privilege which th e poet W ordsworth calls, ‘Our tain ted n a tu re ’s so litary boast’.” M m CATHOLICS EXALT MARY

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