King's Business - 1919-03

T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S th e ir help for years, so th e ir work was in terru p ted only for th e • sh o rt time necessary for the= change of location. A few of the men have been quite ill, suffering from th e terrib le epidemic of influenza th a t has caused many deaths in China. In some localities no t far from here so many have died th a t it has not been possible to secure enough coffins to bury them , and they have been buried w ithou t coffins. A num ber of th e Changsha m issionaries have been qu ite seriously ill w ith it. One of th e studen ts of th e Union Theological Sem­ inary died w ithin a week or ten days. I am g ratefu l to be able to w rite th a t th e few of our stud en ts who suffered from th is influenza are now practically well, and th e same was tru e of our col­ po rteu rs a t the- tim e th e la st le tte rs were w ritten which was about ten days ago. I will enclose some newspaper clippings with- Mr. S tew art’s le tte r th a t will show you how severe and general th is epidemic has been. E arly next week, God willing, our p arty No. 6 will s ta rt for K iangsi to begin work in th a t province, another blessed answer to many prayers. L ast week the Rev. R. W. Porteous, th e mis­ sionary in whose d istrict they will begin work, spent a few days w ith us to study our colportage methods, and to get into close touch w ith th e men. L ast Sat­ u rday I secured a good negative of this party, and as soon as I can get them printed I hope to send you copies, tog eth er w ith some other photographs which I hope will be in teresting and useful. T ruly yours in service for the King, FRANK A. KELLER .

223 sowing th e :seed, God giving Among th e in teresting cases, is th a t of ■a man of th e H arvest.


some fifty-four years of age': F o r .some years he was one of th e first class me­ chanics in th e Chalmers Garage. Then came a stroke of paralysis which left him a cripple for life. Coming to Cali­ fornia w ithout a friend or any money and unable-to work a t his trade, he was helpless, As is so often the case, th is man had to be made helpless before he was w illing to be helped. Then ten­ derly and patien tly he was led to the Lord Jesu s Christ. Seeing th a t it was because he was so helpless th a t Jesus came to save Him, he broke into tears. Kneeling^ th ere on th e floor he told the Lord Jesus how th a n k fu l he was th a t He had come to save him, asking Him to lead him into His own ways. He left th e place w ith a New T estam ent in his hand, w ith a new ligh t in his eyes and w ith a h e a rt th a t was full of love, to th e one whom having not seen he loved. Day a fte r day God is sending men in and we get a chance to p resen t the Gospel to them as we have come to know it, in its fullness» And how th an k fu l we are th a t God has made th is an open door for those who have no one to help them , and th a t we can be His instrum ents. Over fifty conversions in December. . In these days when things are so un certain and when work is so hard, we need prayer for the work as we never have before. During the tim e our Soldiers and Sailors re st room has been in use, over one thousand men have been in and made use of the stationery, magazines, books, etc. A larg e num ber of them have tak en notice of th e free coffee and lemonade on tap a t any tim e and have b rough t lunches and lunched close to the suppiy. Many notes of apprecia­ tion have been received from them , th ank ing us for the fine room we have. A large number of them have come to

R em arkable R esu lts W ith Men A fter the H all has been closed for nearly two months, and th e worker sick for over th ree weeks, we praise His name th a t we have again commenced

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