King's Business - 1919-03

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Jesus through personal work done in the re st room by our men, who under­ stand how to deal w ith these dear fel­ lows. Over two hundred twenty-five men have left th e ir names th a t we m ight send them a le tte r when we have the opportunity. One of th e boys from San Pedro, while doing M ilitary Police duty, came into th e H all looking for boys not wearing th e ir flu masks. Before going out he found Jesus, and became a new creatu re in Christ Jesus our Lord. Sometimes men get something they are not looking for. P ray th a t many more may do as he did. Times a re changing! God is speak­ ing to th e world. A year or so ago men would not listen to w h at God was say­ ing to them from the Bible; today, standing in th e hallway of Biola Hall, w,e can reach from ten to th irty or more men every fifteen m inutes and keep them listening as we read th e Scripture, and here it is th a t many of fhem come to know Jesus. M. J. REYNOLDS, Supt. p i Nicholsop at Redwood City God is blessing here, in spite of fes­ tivities and cold and “F lu .” The meet­ ings are growing in in te rest and num ­ bers. I feel sure we will have a big tim e here. Our congregations are increasing and we are praying for a real “ b u rst.” , WM. P. NICHOLSON, Evangelist. The Gospel Among Seamen Another m onth has gone and another hew year is beginning. W hat will it bring? The believer, looking for the blessed hope, has nothing to fear. The nations and individual un- HARBOR believers would do well if WORK they would heed th e invita­ tion to be “ reconciled to God.” A strik ing sentence is contained in Haggai 2:9, “ In th is place will I give peace, saith th e Lord of hosts.” “ Hav­

ing made peace th rough th e blood of H is cross” He offers it to whosoever will take it, and dealing w ith the nations, the P rince of peace alone can give peace. There are so many broken hearts! The work of th e gospel w orker carries him on th e ships where so often much is hidden away to keep up an “ out­ w ard appearance.” I t is not always easy to gain access to h earts. Who knows, bu t God, w hat sins, m u ltitude in number, are “ hidden,”, when a man is converted from th e erro r of his way, “saving a soul from death .” A very sad case came to our observation, where th e w orker was enabled to present Christ and bring com fort to a very sad­ dened h e a rt in th e throes of. despair. The worker en tering a cabin, found a young fellow packing his suitcase and handed him a tract. “This world would be a b etter place if people would heed th e message th is tra c t bears,” the young fellow said, w ith tears in his eyes. He was app aren tly suffering agony of h e a rt and had waited to unburden his h e a rt to someone who could under­ stand. The shipm ates would only laugh and joke over it, so he had kep t silent to all around. F inding a sympathetic h e a rt in th e worker, the sto ry of his sorrow was told, and w hat a relief it brought was apparent. “ I.-w e n t to F rance and left my old m other in th e no rth and afte r some tim e came home again. To be of service du ring the war, I took th is job on th e ship, although I dislike shiplife, and a few days ago, arriv ing here in San F ra n ­ cisco, though t I would see my only sister. Looking her up, I found her living w ith o ther men. She fell, lower th a n th e animals and, oh, w hat will my poor Mother say? Mother, nor I, had the sligh test idea th a t she had deceived us all th is tim e and when I insisted th a t she should go back w ith me, she refused.” The tragedy of th e revela­ tion broke him all up and w h at was he to do? He w anted to shoot and kill

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