King's Business - 1919-03



“F lu-T im e” Opportunities T h at “ they are blessed who sow beside all w aters, th a t send fo rth th ith e r th e feet of th e ox and th e ass,” has been graciously made rea l in our experiences du ring these SHOP ‘flu” days of b arrin g out WORK from many of our shops and meetings. To be constantly confronted w ith a “ positively no adm it­ tance w ithout a m ask” is somewhat dis­ concerting to those who are desirous to be in subjection to th e powers th a t be and yet m ust needs be about th e Mas­ te r’s business. F o r “ he th a t observeth th e wind shall no t sow and he that" reg ard eth th e clouds shall no t rea p ” b u t love will always discover a way and if th e h e a rt keeps rig h t w ith th e channel of prayer clear of all rubbish, |h e way will be open to constantly reach souls for Him. The need was never g reater th a n in these tru ly momentous days when men’s h ea rts are failing them for fear and countless lives are being swept into etern ity w ithou t more th an a few day’s illness. Oh th a t th e laborers were many and Christians were tru ly aw akened to th e w onderful possibilities of th e p resen t moment. H ere we are up again st a young Christian having discovered from a .n a s ty fall, th a t the old carnal n atu re is no t eradicated, and is plunged into the very blackness of despair. W h at a joy to sit down and open th e Word of God to such an one, presenting th e priesthood and advocacy of Him “who ever liveth to make intercession” and m ain tain all who are sheltered by th a t precious blood till He presents them blameless before th e presence of His glory w ith exceeding joy, and to see such an one going on his way rejoic­ ing. A fru itfu l call comes from another whose life has been w recked by a tragedy too fearfu l to name and yet even h ere Christ’s m inistry is sufficient to heal and lead th e demon-possessed one, back to Himself.

th e two men he had m et there, to revenge h is'sister, and asked th e work­ er’s advice about it. Well, th e re was only one way— to bring th e m a tte r to God and speak a message to th e h ea rt of th e poor soul who was too much in pain to know w hat to do. F inally the sp irit of revenge was broken and he confessed to have been b rough t up in C hristian influence and seeing th e folly to comm it m urder, he prom ised n o t to go to fulfill his plan, b u t to sta y on th e ship and to leave it all to God. He bad b u t an uncertain conception of Christ, h u t took the lite ra tu re eagerly and gladly. He needs our p ray ers.” A man who boldly came ou t for Christ, being reached th rough th e Word and personal work, h ad a sto ry to tell, how relying upon self all his life, and tru stin g to his will power and morality, he found him self slipping and a slave of Satan. “ I would never have believed it th a t I could go th e way I did and I know th e end I would have come to. When th e message came I said to my­ self, ‘You are in th e w rong and you m ust get rig h t now if a t all,’ and so X accepted Christ.” He w ent his way rejoicing and we praise God for opening th e eyes of th is man to see Christ. Another man, who accepted th e Lord some tim e ago, told th e worker of his steadfastness, in a le tte r received recently. He has a sweet, unassum ing sp irit and lives a clean life among his co-workers. Of his past, he w rites: “ I was raised in a saloon, my fath e r being a saloonkeeper; my memories of home are nothing b u t a jumble of d rink ­ ing stevedores, bad women, quarreling children and filthy, scorching stree ts.” God’s grace is surely sufficient and is it no t glorious to know th a t H is power can save as of old. P ray for »us and th e in terests of His Son in th e men along th e Pacific Coast ■and on the ships on th e seven seas. OSCAR ZIMMERMAN, Supt.

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