King's Business - 1919-03


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

MRS EDDY HEARD FROM Mrs. Mary B aker Eddy has been h eard from . She has communicated w ith th e followers th rough a sp iritu al­ istic medium. She has gone back on her en tire system. She says h er te ac h ­ ings were false. So false th a t she could secure th e forgiveness of God and entrance into Heaven only th rough hum iliating confession of h er sins in believing and teaching these doctrines. We haven’t much use for sp iritu alistic mediums, b u t they do adm it th e tru th once in a while.— Exchange. A. I. M. GREATLY BLESSED The A frican In land Mission repo rted last year 107 m issionaries on its staff. The num ber now is 188— 111 of whom are a t p resen t on th e field. An agree­ m ent was made in 1916 to pray for a hund red new workers. The answer is described by th e Mission’s leaders as more rem arkab le th a n any event th a t has occurred in th e histo ry of th e Mis­ sion. Not only were th e re a hundred applications w ithin a comparatively sh o rt tim e b u t more th a n fifty of these have been accepted and are eith er on th e way or preparing to sail. PRINCE OF PEACE In such a sin-cursed world as this, Peace, never peace; The serp en t’s tra il and serp en t’s hiss W ill never bring release. And no power on ea rth can bind, The Devil superhum an kind, And men who th in k they can, are blind, And dupes in crying peace. But th e re is coming sweet release,v When all strife will cease; In th e coming P rince of Peace There will be release. He will bind Satanic power,

MISSIONARY APOSTACY I have had th e g reat privilege of visit­ ing practically all th e mission fields of th e world, and of coming into touch w ith much m issionary effort and much native Christian life and thought, and I have learned from th a t experience th a t th e tam pering w ith th e Divine inspira­ tion and au th o rity and in teg rity of th e Bible is a grave menace to Foreign Mis- sonary work. This shows itself in many directions. I believe it is seriously cut­ tin g th e nerve of w hat I call m issionary enthusiasm a t home, and it is certainly inflicting a very subtle in ju ry to some workers in th e field. B u t w h at con­ cerns and h u rts me more th a n all is th a t already it is bringing in ju ry and damage to some native p astors and teachers who have been called ou t of heathenism.. J u s t imagine, if you can, a native pasto r sta tin g publicly th a t Abraham was a myth. Or th in k of an ­ other, a native tu to r in a divinity school, telling th e studen ts th a t they were not to im agine Philip was “ C aught up of th e Spirit and landed in Azotus,” as th e Acts of th e Apostles states, b u t th a t Philip hid him self behind a bush, where th e eunuch could no t see him , and went on his way. Think of one m issionary saying to another, “The w ritings of Mrs. Eddy are as much inspired of th a t book you call th e B ible!” If th is is no t crim ­ inal, I do no t know w hat is. Even if these men hold these views, to promul­ gate them among these new native churches is treach ery ag ain st th e m is­ sionary ideal and th e purpose of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.— Rev. Chas. Inwood.

NOT A POLYGAMIST—BUT— According to th e Salt Lake T ribune, Joseph Sm ith, late head of th e Mor­ mon Church, was survived by four wives, th irty children ,an d ninety-one grand children.

And before Him all will cower, In th a t g reat and aw ful hour, The b righ t omen of peace.

— Selected.

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