King's Business - 1919-03

T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S T . C . H O R TO N , Editor KEITH L. BROOK S, Managing Editor R . A .T O R R E T , D .D . FR ED ER IC W . FA R R , D .D . J. H . H U N T E R W . H . PIKE Contributing Editors


A CO N TRA ST In Values A half a dozen lines in the press dispatches were used to inform the pub­ lic that Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman had passed away. In the event of the demise of a noted pugalist, a smooth politician or a movie actor, a column would be used to chronicle the event. The world’s estimate of human life is in marked contrast with God’s. A revelation awaits the people of the world, when God opens His Books and makes His announcements. When God wrote King Herod’s obituary, He tells us that Herod sat upon his throne in royal apparel and made an oration. The people shouted, “ It is the voice of a God and not of a man, and the angel of God smote him because he gave not God the glory and he was eaten of worms. ’’ But when He records Stephen’s departure, He tells us that when Stephen was stoned to death, he testified that the heavens were opened and and that he saw the Glory of God and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. God’s thoughts are not the thoughts of the 20th Century newspapers. God’s estimate of values is just the opposite of the world’s estimate. If you are looking for popular approval or applause, play to the world’s gallery, hut if you want God’s smile, God’s will done, and God’s crowns, play to the great cloud of witnesses and run with the patience the race that is set before you, looking unto Jesus,—“Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. ’’—T. C. H. J . W il b u r C h a p m a n A great and good man has departed to be with the Lord. As a pastor, evangelist and writer he was a true man of God. In character, he was sweet and gentle as a child; as a preacher a sturdy defender of the truth. He had a whole Bible and stood square for the fundamentals of our faith. We are told that when he returned from his world tour, he advised the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church to order home those missionaries on the field who were tinctured with higher criticism. The Presbyterian Church honored Dr. Chapman with its highest gift when they made Him the Moderator of the General Assembly, which office he filled with marked ability and his tour among the churches, his ringing soul-stir­ ring messages to the men of the church will never be forgotten. The Church of God has lost a valiant leader f his loved ones a beloved V'<£.

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