King's Business - 1919-03

T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S pale as a sheet. You look like a ghost. I believe you are afraid .” “Yes, I am ,” was th e answer, “ and if you were half as much afraid as I am, you would have ru n long ago.” “Add to your faith courage.” 2 Pet. 1:5. David is an excellent illu stration of th is in his approach to Goliath. He ra n tow ard th e g ian t saying, “ I come in th e name of the Lord God of Israel.” I t is said of Constantius, the fath er of Constantine, when he came to th e th rone and found a considerable num ­ ber of Christians in office and a t court, th a t he issued an edict requ iring them to renounce th e ir Christianity or give up th e ir places. The g rea ter number of them cheerfully gave up th e ir em­ ployment in o rder to preserve a good conscience; a few cowards renounced Christianity. When th e Em peror had th u s tested them , he tu rn ed ou t every­ one who had complied and took th e others in again, saying th a t those who would no t be tru e to Christ, would not be tru e to him. Jo sh u a Did Things F o r God. A young pastor, bending over an aged m inister who was dying, said to him, “ Give me some word, my brother, th a t w ill be a help to me afte r you are gone.” The aged m inister looked up w ith an earnest expression, and seemed to pack a whole half century of experi­ ence into a single sentence. “ H urry up, my bro ther, and preach th e Gospel.” “ General, I fear th e b attle is lo st,” said one of Napoleon’s m arshals to him during a fierce fight. Napoleon coolly looked a t his watch and replied, “Time for ano ther b attle, summon the army for a fresh charge.” Courage w ithou t F a ith is F atalism . When the C arthaginian troops were investing Rome, th e spot outside th e w all was up for sale a t auction, in the forum . On th a t ground, a t the tim e stood th e te n t of Hannibal, th e dread invader. A fter a sp irited competition th e ground was knocked down to a citizen who bid for it a large sum of


money. He and th e other bidders had faith in th e trium ph of th e ir arm ies, although th e foe was a t th e gates. Such faith ough t a Christian to have in Christ, otherw ise, no m a tte r how reck­ less his courage may be, he is doomed. An infidel o rato r in Hyde P a rk was shouting ou t to th e people around him , “There is no God! I can prove th e re is no God!” Two wounded soldiers from the trenches listened to him for a time, then one said loudly, “We can believe th e re is no God in London, b u t we know th e re is a God in th e trenches.” They had been reading th e ir testam en ts and offering th e ir lives to God for others. v. 1. Joshua. L iterally “Je h o sh u a ;” means “ Jehovah-Saviour.” He is a type of Christ as “ Captain of our salvation.” Heb. 2:10, 11.— Scofield. v. 2. Moses is COMMENT FROM dead. The servant MANY SOURCES is dead, b u t th e K. L. B rooks Master is not, and th e w ork m ust go on. The removal of useful men should quicken survivors to be so much the more diligent in doing good.—Henry. No man is indispensable.' God’s work goes on. The in strum en ts are being changed, b u t th e Master hand is the same, and He lays one tool aside and tak es ano th er ou t of th e tool chest as He will.— Maclaren. Arise, go over. We may tru s t God no t to command im­ possibilities. If we see th a t th e path is one appointed by God, we may boldly trea d it, and we shall see th e difficulty vanish.— Sel. v. 5. As I w ith Moses. Those who go where God sends them shall have Him w ith them wherever they go, and they need d esire no more to make them easy and prosperous th a n th e con­ sciousness of H is presence.-—Henry. W ill be w ith thee. God calls for those who have no m ight nor power b u t yearn to be filled w ith H is power.—-Jacobs.

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