King's Business - 1919-03

254 tim e; behold, now is th e day of salva­ tion .” W ill you accept the protection He longs to give you?

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Lesson Story: Take a good look at our sand table and let us see if we can guess w h at our sto ry is about. Ken­ neth, w hat do you see? (If a live boy, he is liable to see a good place to go fish­ ing in the stream . Let th e children ex­ press themselves for a few moments. The worst boy or g irl in a class is often won for Christ by a teach er who can en ter into th e ir life. P lan to have an outing w ith them when possible some Saturday.) It looks like th e man who is ju s t entering the city gates is ru n ­ ning away from the other men fa rth er down th e road, doesn’t it? T h at is w hat he is doing, and th e subject of our story for today is “ Cities of Refuge,” or,i "B eing Kind to People in T rouble.” T h at word refuge means a place of shel­ ter, where people can be safe from harm or danger. When it rain s hard you run in th e house, and th e house is th en your refuge or sh elter from th e rain. A t th e tim e of our story th e re were a num ber of walled cities in dif­ feren t p arts of th e land, called Cities of Refuge, and when people were in tro u ­ ble or danger, and some one was going to h u rt or kill them , they would ru n as fast as they could go to one of these

Cities of Refuge, o r Being K ind to People in T rouble. Joshua 20. Memory Verse: “ Be ye kind one to ano th er.” Eph. 4:32. Approach: (A rrange sand table w ith walled city a t one end. Take piece of cardboard, m ark w ith crayon to rep re­ sent stone, cut and bend back for gates and you have a BEGINNERS s p l e n d i d w a l l , AND PRIMARY which is held up- Mabel L. M errill rig h t by sinking in sand. A piece of stiff cardboard w ith sand covering edges makes a good road leading up to city gates. A rrange trees and sh rub ­ bery, m aking as rea l as possible, having th e road cross a stream w ith bridge. Place figure to rep resen t man ju st en­ te rin g gates, and a t other end of road two or th ree other figures in pu rsu it.) Before we uncover our sand table, we will bow our heads and ask Jesu s to help us understand our story for today.

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