King's Business - 1919-03


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

graphic message. Not un til we come ou t from th e world and be separate, can we expect th e messages of God to reach us. The sun never compromises w ith the darkness. I t shines on and th e d ark ­ ness flees. W hatever gets in its path is lighted up w hether it w ishes to be or not. No planet or cloud has ever been able to persuade th e sun no t to shine. T h at is his God-given business and he is separated to th is work. Jesus, the Sun of R ighteousness, did no t m ingle w ith th is world in a way th a t would h ind er H is living, teaching or work. Compromise Spoils Attraction. A London newspaper said, “ Bird- lovers will reg ret to learn th a t hordes of sparrow s have lately invaded th e th ick et ef Epping Fo rest, above Chingford, which was form erly a favorite h a u n t of nightingales.” The ch attering sparrow ­ like worldlings are driving away God’s nightingales from th e church. I t has been tru ly said, “ God p u t th e church in th e world, h u t the devil has p u t th e world in th e . church.” , There is a curious little spider in South America th a t has a home under th e w ater. I t forms a bubble about itself in which, like a diving bell, it sinks to th e bottom and will, rem ain th e re for hours, living helpw, yet b reath ing th e air of th e world above. When it retu rn s to th e surface it is found to he perfectly dry, n o t th e slight­ est m oisture having penetrated: ;the atmosphere in which it lived. Even so th e Christian should move in th is world, always b reath ing th e a ir of heaven. Courage Not Compromise Needed. A pastor who had le ft his church and was a t th e fro n t giving th e news of sal­ vation to th e soldiers, said, L et anyone in th e rank s offer a word of4 closing prayer. In stan tly a voice was heard praying, th a t sounded fam iliar, and opening his eyes, he saw one of his own flock, a young man he h ad baptised only a few years before, praying w ith bold-

(3 ) Give God His way and He will m ake away w ith your enemies, i (4 ) Take your stand w ith God and no man can stand before you. (5) If God is your chosen leader you • can chase a thousand. (6 ) A backslider is a du st biter. (7) Isra el’s prom ises were b etter th a n her performances. Are yours? ( 8 ) Every day is a decision -day, when you face such facts as you study today. SHk- ‘m “Compromise,” said Lowell, th e poet, “makes a good umbrella, b u t a poor roof; it is a tem porary expedient, often wise in p arty politics, almost sure to he unwise LESSON in statesm anship. ILLUSTRATIONS I t is always un- j j . P ik e wise to make alli­ ance w ith th e ene­ W hy is th e electrician so p articu lar about th e w ire no t touching th e trees or any o ther w ire? Only th a t it shall convey th e p ow e r. unhindered to th e place wherè it is utilized for lig h t or energy. Why is th e w ater company desirous th a t the pipe he absolutely w atertigh t? Ju st to m ake it a fit channel of w ater to those needing its refreshing. Every­ th ing in th is world th a t is useful h as to be separated from other things. We never p u t th e table linen in our shoe boxes, nor our knives and forks in the woodbox. Then why should th e Chris­ tia n so mix w ith the questionable sins and pleasures and work of th is world u n til he ceases to become th e channel of blessing God intended him to he? We are told th a t in Jap an th e re is a certain kind of spider which throw s its web over th e teleg raph wires, some­ tim es from tree to tree, or from the w ire to th e ground, and when a suffi­ cient num ber of these webs have been spun it is impossible to send a tele­ mies of God. S eparation P o sters Power.

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