King's Business - 1919-03


T HE . K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S

DR . A . C . D IXO N ■wko has resigned kis pastorate in London to become associated witk tke Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Dr. Dixon leaves kis ckurck, Tke Spurgeon Tabernacle, April First

There is a live Christian Endeavor Society, and a Communion Service every Sunday evening at 6 :30 for those who desire to attend. Exception of members occurs the first Sunday of each month and morning Communion Service every second month. There are no distracting features in the nature of societies. The church lays emphasis upon godly living and stresses the obligation for personal work upon all of its members.—T. C. H. §4» ate T H E IGNORANCE of Great Men King David said, “ I have more understanding than all my teachers; for Thy testimonies are my meditation; I understand more than the aged because I have kept Thy precepts.” Psa. 119:97, R. Y. Isn’t it strange that great statesmen should make such collossal blunders as Napoleon and the Kaiser? They both aimed at a world-wide Empire, and drenched the world in blood, but failed. In the dream given To Nebuchadrezzar and interpreted by Daniel, there are only four world-wide Empires mentioned. Namely the head of gold representing Nebuchadrezzar’s kingdom of Babylon; the silver shoulders representing the supremacy of the Medes and Persians; the waist of brass setting forth Greece in her world-wide supremacy under Alexander; and the iron thighs and limbs of the image representing Roman domination. Note that only four world-wide Empires are mentioned and all of these have been fulfilled. They have taken place in the history of the past, and yet men of brains and position, because they know not God, and know not His Word, have acted contrary to His Word and have brought thousands to

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