King's Business - 1919-03


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

ness before his comrades. No compro­ mise here.

it as we may, Israel had higher ideas of life th a n th e o ther nations, and a far pu rer religious sentim ent. W her­ ever Israel m ight be planted, if th ere rem ained impurity, m ankind m u st be benefitted. T h at such a people should prevail over tribes em asculated by vice and degraded by idolatrous sup ersti­ tion was only in accordance w ith the n atu re of things. The conquest of Jo shu a had th e divine approval.— Exp. Bible. God often accomplishes H is holy purposes by leaving His in strum en ts to act in th e ir own way.— Blaikie. v. 6. Be th erefo re courageous. In th e ligh t of Jehovah ’s g reat goodness to them , it would be gross ing ratitud e no t to serve and obey Him and Him only. Not so gross, however, as the refu sal of any man today, in th e ligh t of th e cross, to serve and obey God.— Tor­ rey. He applies almost the same word to Israel th a t th e Lord spoke to him a t th e beginning (Chap. 11. Courage is necessary to drive ou t th e enemy, but it consists in doing t h e . will of God, which is separation from th e nations which constitute th e enemy.— Christian W orkers Comm. Keep an d do all th a t Is w ritten . Many men can fight who cannot suffer. Many are brave in activ­ ity who are cowards in w aiting.— Peo­ p le’s Bible. v. 7. These n ation s th a t rem ain among you. These nations had ac­ cepted the fact of conquest and thus were more dangerous to Isra el’s pros­ p erity th a n they had been in th e ir days of open war.—W itherby. The sm ile of the world is more deadly th a n its frown.— Sel. The rig h t hand of the world outstretched in fellowship is more fata l to Christian p rosperity th an its rig h t hand extended w ith th e sword. ■f. —Holness. I t is a delusion and a snare to th in k th e world has changed because Christianity is tolerated, or to suppose th a t th e Word of God has a different application to th e Christian afte r years of hard sh ip for Christ, from w h at it had on th a t first day when th e Lord called

v. 1. Jo sh u a strick en in age. Prob­ ably th e la st year of his life, and he lived to be 110 years old. (2 4 :2 9 ).— Sel. When we see death hastening tow ard us, t h i s COMMENT FROM should quicken us MANY SOURCES to do th e work of K. L. R rooks life w ith all our m ight.— Henry. v. 2. I am old and stricken. All p athetic occasions should be treasu red in th e memory. The la st interview , the la st sermon, th e last prayer, all these things may be frivolously trea ted as sentim ental, b u t he who tre a ts them so is a fool in his h eart.— P ark er. v. 3. The Lord your God h a th done u n to all. He ascribed th e subjugation and occupation of Canaan entirely to th e favoring presence and aid of God, and in doing so, he spoke not more piously th a n tru ly . This had been prom ised (Deut. 1 :30 ; 3 :2 2 ), and the rea lity of thd divine aid was seen.— J. F. & B. H e h a th fough t fo r you. To whom God w ills th e re is a v icto ry .^ - Shakespeare. We are no m atch for the m ighty hosts array ed again st us (Eph. 6 :1 2 ), b u t Jehovah is (Eph. 6:10, 11, 13, 16). — Torrey. v. 5. The Lord sh all expel them . This is th e victory th a t overcometh th e world, even bur faith. As we believe God and obey Him in th e Gospel of His Son, He subdues our enem ies and the world loses its power over us.— Gray. How h ard it is for th e believer to lay hold of th e fact th a t always and a t all times, solely in obedience to God’s Word, can he conquer. In no stage of his career is th is more difficult th an when he has attain ed a position when, like Israel, he has reached to a g reat point of success.—W itherby. The set­ tlem en t of th e people of Israel in Canaan was designed, and was to be a g rea t benefit to th e world. Explain

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