King's Business - 1919-03


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S and of good courage was accompanied by an assurance of th e Divine presence and assistance. This suggests P au l’s charge to Timothy in th e New Testa­ ment. 2 Tim. 2 :1 ; 4:1, 2. The im port­ a n t difference in Timothy’s case con­ cerned th e preaching of the Gospel. Jo shu a had th e law. Timothy had the Gospel. The most in teresting featu re of a modern ordination service, next to th e ordaining prayer, is th e charge to th e candidate. Its appeal and applica­ tion m ight as properly be made to the pew as to th e pulpit. SATURDAY, March 8. Joshua 1:12-18. Joshua Warns the People The charge th a t Moses gave to Joshua is in tu rn given by Jo shua to th e people. He can do nothing w ithout th e ir co­ operation. They pledged the same loyal devotion to him th a t they had given to Moses. Bible appeals are usually attend ed and emphasized by solemn warnings. We no t only need to be urged to do our duty b u t we need to be confronted w ith th e altern ativ e of disobedience and failu re w ith th eir possible consequences, “W arning every man and teaching every man w ith all wisdom.” Col. 1:28. W arning sup­ plies a stim ulus to heed th e teaching. Men are no t only to he invited to enjoy th e felicity of heaven. They m ust be w arned to flee from th e w rath to come and th e flames of hell. “Knowing the te rro rs of th e Lord, we persuade men.” SUNDAY, March 9. Joshua 5:10-15. The Lord With Joshua The g reatest prom ise of th e Bible is th e assurance of Divine companionship. It was given to Moses when Israel went qut of Egypt. “My presence shall go w ith thee.” It was given to Joshua when he led Israel into th e promised land. “AS I was w ith Moses, so will I he w ith th ee.” When our Divine Master comm itted to his disciples the g reat commission of world evangeliza­ tion, he indicated th e power of its accomplishment and th e secret of its success, in th e assurance of his con­ tinued presence. “ I am w ith you always, even unto th e end of th e age.” H istory has vindicated the tru th of th is assurance and unfolded the meaning of th e name Immanuel, God w ith us. In th e so-called practice of th e presence of God, We find deliverance from all the tria ls of daily life .a n d also our fore­ ta ste of a fu tu re heaven.

'WEDNESDAY, March 5. Ex. 24:12-18. Joshua, Moses’ Minister ; Nofone is fitted to command who has not learned to obey. Jo shu a served as a subaltern before he commanded th e arm ies of Israel. The centurion said, Matt. 8:7, “ I am a man under au th o rity .” He could therefo re exer­ cise au tho rity , saying to one man Go, and to ano th er Come. Even th e obedi­ en t Servant of Jehovah is said to have learned obedience by th e things which hevsuffered. He who was perfection to begin w ith, was made perfeot through subserviency. Heh. 5:8, 9. Joshua m ight have sustained th e same relation to Moses and perform ed th e same offices as in la ter tim e Mark did to P eter and Luke or Timothy to Paul. Some have professed to covet th e ; privilege of blacking Shakespeare’s hoots or mixing Michael Angelos’ colors. As we appre­ hend th e 'm a je s ty of th e Bible char­ ac te rs we can b etter appreciate Abigail’s ambition. 1 Sam. 25:41. THURSpAY, March 6. Num. 27:15-23. Joshua’s Consecration Dedication is th e act of man. Con­ secration is th e act of God. In dedi­ cating man yields his will and devotes him self to God. In consecrating God receives and makes holy w hat is given unto him. An unbeliever can only accept Christ and m ake an uncondi­ tional su rre n d er of himself. 2 Cor. 5:20. A believer can dedicate himself to God and to His service. Rom. 12:1. Joshua presented him self before God and was Divinely commissioned before th e congregation. This gave him con­ fidence in th e discharge of his official duties and prestige before the people. The life and work of each believer is planned by God. The rou tine of daily du ty may be humble and monotonous. In its performance, however, «one may follow a Divine vocation, rejoice in a DiVne commission and receive a Divine anointing. FRIDAY, March 7. Deut. 31:1-8. Moses’ Charge to Joshua The example of Moses was before Jo shu a as an incentive and inspiration. This had doubtless been supplemented by precept and instruction. The climax is seen, however, in a :solemn public ad ju ra tio n as Moses is about to pass off the stage. The exhortation to be strong

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