King's Business - 1919-03



Suggestive Bible Readings

THE PEOPLE OF GOD Text— Ps. 16:3.

7. “W ithou t God,” vs. 12. 8. “W alked according to th e course of th is world,” Vs. 2. 9. W alked according to th e prince of the power of th e air, vs. 2. 10. “Of our flesh,” vs. 3. “B u t Now” Eph. 2:13-22; 5-10 1. “Made nigh,” vs. 13, 17. 2. “Quickened,” (made alive), vs. 5. 3. “ In Christ,” vs. 6. 4. “Fellowcitizens w ith th e sain ts,” vs. 19. 5. “No more stran g e rs,” vs. 19. 6. “Of th e household of God,” vs. 19. 7. ‘Reconciled to God, vs. 16. 8. Ordained to w alk in good works, vs. 10. 9. “Sit together in the heavenlies,” vs. 6. 10. “ In His flesh,” vs. 15. J. C. Stillions. A Living Savior— Gal. 2:20. Plus A Living Saint— Rom. 12:1. Equals A Living Sermon— 2 Cor. 3:2, 3. — K. L. B. THE “MORNING RELIGION” (215t. N. T.) 1. Morning Mercies— Lam. 3:23. 2. Morning Bread— Ex. 16:14, 15. 3. Morning P rayer— Ps. 5:3. 4. Morning P raise— Ps. 59:16. 5. Morning S treng th— Isa. 33:2. 6. Morning L ight— Ps. 143:8. 7. Morning Hope— Rev. 2 :28 ; 22:10; Ps. 30:5. 3 sP ' —K . L. B. SPIRITUAL ARITHMETIC

Who are they today? Not th e Jews or any denom ination, b u t th e tru e believers in th e Lord Jesus Christ. I-— A T itled People— Saints. 1. The Calling of th e saints. 1 Cor. 1: 2^ -T h e Church. 2. The Position of th e saints. 2 Cor. 5:17. 3. The Stewardship of th e saints. 1 Tim. 3:15. II.— An E a rth ly People. 1. The P resen t sphere of th e ir ac­ tivity. Jno. 17:15. 2. The P resen t sphere antagonis­ tic. Jno. 4:4. 3. The P resen t sphere shall not prevail. 1 Jno. 5:4. HI.— An Excellent People. 1. P a rta k e rs of Divine n atu re. 2 P et. 1:4. 2. Divinely engaged. Acts 1:8. 3. Divinely endowed. 1 Cor. 12. 1. In Character— L ike Christ. Gal. 1:16. 2. In Living— All things are yours. 1 Cor. 3:21. 3. In Inheritance. __yy jj p IV.— A H ighly Favored People.

THE GENTILE BEL IEVER In Eph. 2. “In Times P a st” Eph. 2 :2-5; 11-13

1. “ F a r off,” vs. 13, 17. 2. “W ere dead,” vs. 1, 5. 3. “W ithout Christ,” vs. 12. 4. “Aliens from th e commonwealth of Israel,” vs. 12. 5. “S trangers from th e covenants of prom ise,” vs. 12. 6. “ Children of w ra th ,” vs. 3.

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