King's Business - 1919-03


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S considered it “ a m ark of intellectuality to be skeptical and to believe in the theory of m an’s evolution.” He was a devoted stu d e n t of Darwin, Huxley, Tyndall, Helmholtz, and Mayer, and dabbled in th e w ritings of Bob Ingersol and Tom Payne. In his book he gives some of th e discoveries th a t led him out of th e m ire. (All of th e above books may be p ro­ cured of Biola Book Room, 6th and Hope Sts., Los Angeles.) THAT GERMAN INTELLECT In view of all th a t we know now, I w ant to suggest to you th a t German in tellect is not th e superior th ing th a t we^ were ta u g h t before th e war. I wonder w hether you have noticed th a t all th e things th a t are very im po rtan t in life have been invented outside Ger­ many. Steamships, railroads, th e tele­ graph, electricity, telephones, w ireless telegraphy, and even aeroplanes and subm arines— no t one of these was invented in Germany. I had a very in teresting pam phlet th e o ther day sent me from England, “The H istory of th e Submarine.” I t says th a t for th ree hundred years attem p ts were made to perfect w hat we now know as th e subm arine. The rem a rk ­ able th ing is th a t you cannot trace anything w orthy of th e name among the Germans in connection w ith the invention known as subniarines. Not only so, b u t when th ey used a model of a subm arine a few years ago, they only adopted someone else’s and th a t someone else was a Spaniard, a Spanish arch itect who h ad a F rench model. All th e German U-boats have been bu ilt on a F rench model. T h at is to say th e German intellect is no t creative, it is adaptive. If th is is th e case in reg ard to ordinary every­ day life, why should we th in k th a t the German intellect is superior in regard to th e Bible?— Dr. Griffith-Thomas.

Translation or Tribulation— Wkick? BÿREV. W. H. PIKE “ In th e world ye shall have trib u la ­ tion ,” (Jno. 1 6 :1 3 ), said Christ to His disciples. And P au l w riting to the Christians a t Rome said, “And n o t only so, b u t we also rejoice in our trib u la­ tion know ing th a t trib u latio n w orketh steadfastness, etc.” (Rom. 5:3 R. V.) The C hristian th erefo re is in trib u la­ tion all th e tim e and rejoicing in it. But th is is -n o t the G reat T ribulation th a t shall come upon all the ea rth to try all those th a t shall dwell therein. No, No! This tim e of world trouble (Dan. 12 :1 ) will come b u t th e tru e Church Will no t be h ere to suffer in it. These coming aw ful days she will es­ cape, because she will be w ith h er Lord in th e glory above. She will see these fearfu l scenes from h er place w ith Him on high. Like John who was caught up th rough th e open door into heaven. F rom h ere he beheld th e wonderful judgm ent scenes tak ing place on earth. But, says one, are you sure th e Chris­ tia n will no t go th rough th e trib u la­ tion? Yes, ju st as sure of it as we are of many o ther things, b u t only because God says so, and th is is quite sufficient. The Old T estam ent type suggests th a t Enoch, who walked by faith , was not allowed to pass into th e judgm en t of th e flood w ith the others b u t was tra n s­ lated before th e flood. And John says concerning th e Philadelphian Chris­ tian s in Rev. 3:10 R. V. “ Because thou didst keep th e word of my patience I also will keep thee from th e hou r of tria l, th a t hou r which is to come upon th e whole world, to try them th a t dwell upon th e ea rth .” The Greek preposi­ tion makes th e prom ise stronger, so th a t it m ight read, “ I also w ill keep thee ou t of th e hou r of tria l.” If I should say to my little girl, “Dear,

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