King's Business - 1919-03


T HE K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

such m issionaries, men who seem to have more love for th e things of the world th a n for those of God. As soon as a fair number of our fellow-passen­ gers had got on th e ir sea legs, I was asked by a few of the senior men if a daily Bible Reading could be arrang ed for. We had already had several w ith our own party, b u t eager to seize every opportunity, I had a ta lk w ith th e Chief Steward, which resu lted in our having th e exclusive use of th e Dining Saloon a t ten o’clock for th a t purpose. At th e first meeting I was asked to name a small comm ittee of which I would be chairm an, whose function would be to make arrangem en ts for all the religious services on board. I was also asked to tak e charge of the daily Bible R eading hour, which we decided would be an open meeting. We had the exceptional privilege of having two services each Sunday, in addition to w eek-night meet­ ings for song and lectures. I gave one on China, and a company of B ap tist m issionaries had one evening on Burma. Such opportunities are exceptional, and we praise God for th e testimony borne. As on every voyage th e g reater oppor­ tu n ity is by personal conversation, and these opportunities were no t by any means lacking, and these, backed by th e lives lived, have borne fru it. To God be all the glory. The voyage from Honolulu across the Pacific was accomplished w ithout adven­ tu re in abou t 10 days, and on th e morn­ ing of Saturday, November 2, we tied up to, th e w harf a t Yokohama. Allyn Cooke was on th e w harf to g reet us on our arriv al for th e S. S. Tenyo Maru, by which he had traveled, had arrived 24 hours before us. The dear boy was ra d ia n t w ith joy, for he had the hope th a t he m ight be allowed to tran sh ip to our boat a t Yokohama, bu t he had to face ano th er disappointm ent and go on by ra il to Nagasaki, where he h as now joined us, and Will go w ith us to Shanghai. So th e p arty is once more complete, and th is has filled our h earts

bodies; for all th e believers th a t have died will be caught up to m eet th e Lord and th e ir bodies changed. “This corruptible m ust p u t on incorruption.” The tru e Christians, dead or living, therefore, need no t fear th e coming th roes of judgm en t even though we may be now in th e “ beginning of sor­ row s” for be sure of th is th e One who sits in th e heavens will no t allow one of H is tru e w heat to be burned w ith th e chaff or one of H is children to suffer judgm ent w ith th e wicked. Such words as John 5:24, keep our h earts in peace. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he th a t heareth my words and believeth H im th a t sent Me, h ath etern al life and cometh no t into judgm ent, b u t h ath passed out of death into life.” R. V. THE SAUNDERS PARTY Rev. Alex Saunders who retu rn ed to China some weeks ago ,w ith twelve Bible In stitu te students, w rites in te r­ estingly of th e trip . He says: “ Our p arty on th e whole behaved them selves in sailor like fashion, b u t when th e ship rolled in heavy seas, sev­ eral members of it found th e ir deck chairs a safe re tre a t, and they were con­ spicuous by th e ir absence from the table a t meal times. Some made bold efforts to give effect to Dr. Torrey’s recipe for prevention of sea sickness by tak ing th ree good meals a day and keeping possession of them , bu t more often it was to beat a hasty re tre a t up th e com­ panion way. However, it m u st be adm itted th a t on th e whole th e party behaved tolerably well. There were exceptional opportunities for our testi­ mony for Christ, and we have very good reason to believe th a t th e lives of others have been blessed. As usual, th e re are various types of m issionaries on board, and some of our p arty a t least have expressed surprise '.L i t th e re could be

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