Participation and Engagement of the Voice of Children and Y…

Undertaking of:

Consultation opportunities for

SHOUT survey tailored, with a quick

Designed to enable

Contract in place

Universal Survey

Ian Elliott

The SHOUT and BeeWell

young people to express

turnaround so received data can be

the service to

with Mind of My


Lucy Goodfellow

surveys will inform practice

SHOUT Survey

opinions and views on issues

used to plan and respond to

understand and act

Own and London

December 2022

Jane Herbert

and policy and will form an

that affect them.

children and young people’s

upon what children

Borough of

and repeated

action plan. This will enable


and young people

Havering Council.

June 2023.

us to gain a greater

are saying about

understanding of current

Designed to help you understand

their needs, and

Targeted Survey

issues and concerns for

and act upon what children and

their candid

completed April

children and young people

young people are saying about

evaluations of our


who are accessing services

their needs, and their candid

services. Chosen

Summer 2023: All

(i.e they have a worker) and

evaluations of your services.

from a bank of co-

findings collated,

those who access universal

produced questions

analysed. Action

services. Results reported

Young people from the Youth

on a range of topics

plan created to

to the Safeguarding Board

Council to co-produce and vet

including identity,

respond to

and Heads of Service.

questions. Directed at 2 age ranges.

wellbeing, safety,


education, service

received. To form


part of the Service

Young People will

Plan in order to

be able to let us

meet identified

know about their



Pathway Schools identified and

BeeWell has been

BeeWell Survey

BeeWell is a programme that

London Borough of


This initiative requires

Youth Steering Group will progress

designed to reflect

annually measures the

Havering have a


support and input from the

the formulation of the questions.

and respond to

wellbeing of young people and

contract in place

undertaken in

senior leadership team,

issues of interest

brings together a coalition of

with BeeWell.

April 2023

schools and the Policy and

and relevance to

Partners from across civil


Performance team.


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