you and hear you were doing very
Article 12 of the
well in school”.
UNCRC states that:
Every child has the
To write recordings in the form of a
right to express
their views, feelings
and wishes in all
To locate problems as problems ,
matters affecting
not the child or young person as a
them and to have
their views
considered and
To be mindful and sensitive when
taken seriously .
describing events/actions that
involve parents and family
To remember that this is the child
or young person’s story of events.
It may be the only memory and
bibliography a child has.
If possible include photographs as
part of life story work.
Always embed Unconditional
Positive Regard.
To explore and respond to the
To collect and examine data
Children and young
All staff that work
All children and
All staff
All services and partners.
London data stating that
collected regarding children from
people receive a
with children and
young people’s
Social Care
Children of Mixed White and
the global majority who are
service that is anti-
young people are a
CP, CIN and
Black Caribbean ethnicity were
accessing services (who have a
Pathway plans
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