This Strategy is for all children and young people in the London Borough of Havering, but focusses on those who are care
experienced, including young people in care and leaving care. As a council, we are committed to listening to children and young
people about their experiences of the services that they receive and the issues that are important to them; and work with them to
deliver improvements that reflect their views. Participation centres on promoting positive outcomes for children and young people,
whilst taking a position that is trauma informed and systemic.
Protected Characteristic - Age: Consider the full range of age groups
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Overall impact:
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Our vision is that the children and young people of the London Borough of Havering live a
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Healthy, happy and fulfilled life. To act in the best interests, and promote the physical and
Mental health and wellbeing, of those children and young people. To take into account the
Views, wishes and feelings of those children and young people.
Substantial evidence points to the fact that participant led youth and social work delivers more positive and meaningful outcomes
compared to a prescriptive delivery which has had little or no input from the young people it is designed to help.
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