King's Business - 1938-09

November, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Ou r Li terature Table

clearly stated, carefully analyzed, and adequately answered. 286 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $2.50.

Pay-Day—Some Day By C. B. HEDSTROM

The Chaos o{ Cults By JAN KAREL VAN BAALEN


Like D. L. Moody, Hedstrom was busy selling shoes when the Lord dealt with him about his rela­ tion to the Saviour, and like Moody, he responded with whole-souled acceptance a of Christ. There have followed years of Spirit-directed soul-win­ ning. His book presents both “Sketches from Life” and “Messages from the Word.” In in­ formal style and with the dynamic of conviction, the chairman of the Chicago (and International) Christian Business Men’s |Committee presents a plea for practical evangelism. 126 pages. The Evangelical Beacon, 4211 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago. Cloth. Price 75 cents. Not a doctrinal treatise but a practical volume dealing with the effect of the “blessed hope” on the life of the believer^ is this book which abounds in vivid illustrations given to clarify the truth pre­ sented. The believer’s privileges and duties in preparation for the coming of the Lord are em­ phasized as the nearness of His advent is shown through reference to prophecy and present world events. 159 pages. G. F. Vallance, Barkingside, Essex, England. Cloth. Price $1.00. Combining in a commendable way accurate ex­ egesis and rich spiritual truths, the author weaves around twenty texts designed and useful medita­ tions in this short volume. The true ring of his own experience enhances the value of his elevating messages. 94 pages. John Ritchie, Ltd. Paper. Price 50 cents. Full Assurance By H. A. IRONSIDE With sturdy logic and pertinent illustrations, Dr. Ironside dispels specific doubts and fears that hin­ der one from trusting in the certainty of the Word. Precious truths that have met the needs of thou­ sands of troubled hearts are shared in an inti­ mate manner by this master physician of the soul, who has had the joy of leading many to find rest in Christ during his fifty years of ministry. 127 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n. Cloth. Price 75 cents. The Three Baers By BERTHA B. MOORE Not many books are on the market that have a definite Christian message adapted to the mental grasp of the pre-school child. In her clever little story about the triplets, Iona Baer, Iva Baer, and Teddy Baer, the author has achieved this purpose. Printed in large type, the book will fascinate young readers, and children too young to read will enjoy the stories as well. 88 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price 50 cents. . Fourteen Bible lessons are here for Junior be­ lievers who enjoy finding things in Scripture. The plan presents one of the best ways to interest chil­ dren in the study of the Word. Junior Bible Work may be obtained also in loose-leaf form from the Correspondence School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles for $1.00, which includes correction of the pupil’s work and a diploma upon satisfac­ tory completion of the course. The booklet alone (56 pages. Paper), price 25 cents. Success with Intermediates By MRS. OWEN S T IL L In addition to chapters on understanding the In­ termediate and his needs, this book offers plans for socials, contests, missionary projects, and ideas for the raising of funds. Fifty-two opening worship programs are outlined to beI used m an Interme­ diate Department. The material offered is practical and evangelical and will prove useful to the leader of teen-age boys and girls. 159 pages. Standard Pub. Co. Paper. Price 60 cents. Here is an answer to the problem: “What shall we do for our Intermediates?” Mrs. Whitwell of­ fers a well-planned expressional program for every Sunday in the year. The services are so arranged that several may take part and the subjects, which cover a wide range, are designed to lead the Inter­ mediate to “form a constructive attitude toward life’s problems, thoroughly in harmony with the Word of God.” 336 pages. Standard Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. Coming Twice By HAROLD P. BARKER Out of His Treasure By W ILLIAM HOSTE Junior Bible Work By K E ITH L. BROOKS Intermediate Expressional Services By NEVADA M ILLER WH ITW ELL

In a systematic and readable manner the author presents a discussion of thealeading cults of today in their relation to evangelical Christianity. The historical background of each cult is given as well as its doctrinal beliefs (and disbeliefs) as set forth in the words of its own leaders. The author is fair in his approach, giving credit where it is due, but showing clearly the lack of everjr system which falls short of what is truly Christian. 227 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. Pickings By RO BERT G. L E E The “Pickings” are notes, illustrations, and ob­ servations,_highly diversified in subject matter and carefully indexed for practical use. Of his pur­ pose, the author speaks significantly in the Fore­ word: “I send forthathis little volume with the hope and prayer that it may help to give a keener edge to the blade of truth, a sweeter tone to some life harp, a brighter glow to some home window, a greater power to some pulpit . . .” 125 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. Mastering Marcus By PAUL HUTCHENS Many a young person who picks up this book will find, startlingly, that his own life is portrayed in its pages. _All will know who the powerful Marcus Dorr is, because they? too, have had per­ sonal dealings with him. Coming together in these pages as naturally as individuals mingle in life, the characters of this well-written book provide the answer to some of youth’s most poignant prob­ lems. Of all Paul Hutchens’ excellent novels, this one undoubtedly ranks as the best thus published. It is a book to please,_to challenge, and to affect its readers for eternity. 233 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. Blue Skies By LO U ISE HARRISON McCRAW In a decidedly well-written narrative, flashing with interest and magnetized by suspense, the age- old problem of the relations between Jews and Gentiles is portrayed. Young and petite Esther St. Clair who had a mind of her own, bizarre Esther Birnbaum who was adept at proposing, the self-sac­ rificing Jenifers who maintained the mission, and Aaron Rothenberg—every inch a Jew, hating cant and veneer, loving Christ in the face of bitter per­ secution—these are some of the people who live in Miss McCraw’s searching novel. “I know now,” Edith St. Clair declared, “what Paul meant when he said, ‘What advantage then hath the Jew? Much every way.* ” Readers of Blue Skies may enter into this secret, too. 262 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. To settle down, as her sister Emily did, to a life of accepted domesticity in her small home town was an irksome prospect to Norma Harrington. In her rebellion against conventionalities, she found an enthusiastic companion in her gloriously “alive” Grandmother Lunsford who did the most unpre­ dictable and delightful things. I These two women found their way to a struggling mission among miners, and to Gordon Thorn in particular. Always in the background was Rick—lovable Rick—wait­ ing to marry Norma. There came the fire, the hospital experience, and Emily’s wedding—and values took on new proportions. The book sparkles with wholesomeness. 206 pages. Wm. B. Eerd­ mans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. Doctor Happy By BERTHA B. MOORE With her father ill, her beautiful mother accept­ ing the attentions of other men, and her younger sister Evalee threatening to leave high school, Ann Harper faced a most discouraging situation. Read­ ers of teen age will enjoy the exciting develop­ ments of this story which admirably emphasizes the plan of salvation. 184 pages. Wm. B. Eerd­ mans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Lost Generation Returns By B. H. PEARSON An action-producing volume is this story of Mr. Pearson! The problem so common today—that of young people leaving the church and Sunday-school — is met and adequately solved in the small town of Beulah. Compellingly written, the book demands interest as a story, but deeper than that there is a genuine understanding of boys, boys’ problems, and their solutions. The author (who served his ap­ prenticeship as a writer as private secretary to Harold Bell Wright) is deeply interested in saving the present adolescents before they become another “lost generation.” 160 pages. Light and Life Press, Winona Lake, Indiana. Cloth. Price $1.00. Storm in Her Heart By GLORIA YOUNG

Salesgirl at a button counter and obliged to ef­ fect the strictest economies, Jane Scarlett did not know she was heir to a beautful old home. Nor did this information come to her until she had learned, in fascinating revelation, of her heirship of eternal possessions. Sharing in all this exciting news were Kent Havenner, young lawyer; his lovely sister Audrey; the plotting Evadne; the domineering Ballard, and Pat Whitney, the most likable preacher one could wish. The story has dramatic action which young peo­ ple love, and a clear,a unimposed gospel message. 314 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co. Cloth. Price $ 2 . 00 . Holy Bible Oxford Garnet 16 mo. Edition This year, on October 1, the Oxford University Press commemorated the “Fourth Centenary of the Open English Bible” by the publication of its latest edition of the Word of God—the Oxford Garnet 16 mo. Text Bible, handsomely bound and designed primarily for home use. This edition is set in exceptionally dear Plantin face type,awith generous margins (size 7y2 x 5 inches). It is the largest type and “easiest-to-read” Text Bible in a volume of this size. The Book, self-pronouncing, is available both on Oxford Bible paper and on new ultrathin Oxford India paper, at prices ranging from $2.00 to $9.00, according to binding. Oxford University Press, N. Y. The New Testament Translated by JOHN W ESLEY Edited by GEORGE CROFT CELL Probably few people realize that John Wesley was not only a preacher, but a scholar as well. The republication of his translation of the New Testament adds one more to the large number of individual translations available. More conserva­ tive than most modem translations, it _resembles closely the King James Version; but it is writ­ ten in even smoother English, and in many in­ stances its changes show distinct aimprovement in translation. Since textual criticism was not so fully developed in Wesley’s day as in ours, it is doubtful whether this version can be considered as a whole better than the American Revision of relatively recent date. Many of his translations have anticipated the Revision, and some are even better than those propounded by recent scholars. All_ variations^ from the King James Version are indicated by italics; omissions, by dots. No un­ wholesome doctrinal bias is evident. We com­ mend it as a useful commentary and aid to the study of the New Testament. 391 pages. John C. Winston Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. In twelve chapters by British writers, Mr. Tat- ford has furnished material for consideration and discussion on such Subjects as Modern Thought, Class Distinction, Sex Morality, Politics, Trade Unionism, Business, and Foreign Missions. “The articles are intended merely to provoke thought, and not necessarily to provide the solutions to the problems they raise.” The reading will lead to further study. 96 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price 75 cents. A Philosopher’s Victory Through Christ By W ILLIAM HAZER WRIGHTON In this helpful volume by the head of the De­ partment of Philosophy of the University of Geor­ gia, there is set forth “the more than conquering life available to every believer, through the unlim- iteda resources of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” “Life is full of problems,” the author declares, “but they are not solved by philosophy, but by Christ.” 90 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . He Heareth Us By RANSOME W. COOPER Intensely stimulating to faith is this collection of incidents, many of them from the lives of mis­ sionaries, proving the practicability of prayer on the part of the Lord’s children. For Christian workers, the book will furnish many excellent il­ lustrations. 103 pages. John Ritchie, Ltd. Paper. Price 50 cents. Studies in the Book of Daniel By RO BERT DICK W ILSON In this second series,a Dr. Wilson’s scholarly work on the book of Daniel is continued. Daniel’s right to a place in the Old Testament, the time of writing, and the influence, background, and prophe­ cies of the book are discussed. The claims of the critics who doubt the authority of Daniel are Christian Life and Practice By FREDERICK A. TATFORD

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