King's Business - 1938-09

King’s Business Resumes 12-Months’ Schedule SPECIAL OFFER . . . GOOD UNTIL FEBRUARY 1, 1939 A Single Annual Subscription . . . 12 Issues at $1.25 (U SE CONVENIENT CLUB ORDER FORM ENVELOPE INSERTED IN THIS ISSUE.) REGULAR PRICE, SINGLE ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 FOR 12 ISSUES, IN EFFECT AFTER FEBRUARY 1, 1939 N o A dvance to Club Organizers

K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S C L U B O F F E R . . .

CLUB ORGANIZERS: Send us $7 for each CIub-of-Ten annual subscriptions to THE KING’S BUSINESS (regular price $ 1 .5 0 * ) . We will allow you 80 cents on each subscription. $ 8.00 C O M M I S S I O N F OR E A C H KING'S BUSINESS CLUB OF TEN For clubs of three to nine, or for single subscriptions mailed after club is started, club organizer remits EXACTLY 75 CENTS EACH. Begin TODAY to form a club in YOUR COMMUNITY.

*Please add 25 cents each for Canadian and foreign subscriptions.

D UR ING the summer of 1938, the Directors of T he K ing ’ s B usiness as an economy measure decided to re-enter T he K ing ’ s B usiness at the Los Angeles Post Office on a T EN -M ON TH S ’ schedule as is customary with the official organs of other schools and colleges which omit publi­ cation during the vacation months. This move was intended as an economy measure and to make it possible for us to send free subscriptions to the many mission­ aries, pastors, Sunday-school teachers, and other Christian work­ ers in this and foreign lands who are writing us constandy for subscriptions to the magazine to aid in their work. The savings effected would have enabled us to nil many more of these appeals than is normally possible, and we believe that never in the history of the magazine have we received so many letters of this character as have been coming recently. Two of them, reproduced on pages 370 and 371 of this issue, will show our readers the great value of this service to missionaries. W e have felt keenly, however, that there is another side to the question. Our many thousands of regular readers who depend upon the dated International Sunday-school Lessons, Christian Endeavor Notes, and other features, must be considered. But the esqjense of printing all of these departments in the June issue each year for the omitted months would be almost as great as the cost of the two additional numbers. The Directors have there­ fore decided to resume publication on a twelve-months’

schedule beginning with this issue. T h e Special Subscrip­ tion Price o f $1.25 for a single subscription for twelve months will continue in effect until February 1, 1939, after which date the old price of $1.50 for a single annual subscription will be charged. W h y Everybody W ants T h e K ing’s Business It appeals to the whole fam ily. As its slogan implies, it is indeed the Bible Family Magazine. For inspiration, relax­ ation, information, and all-year-round enjoyment, young and old turn to T he K ing ’ s B usiness —and are satisfied! It is a boon to Sunday-school teachers. In each issue, at least one-fifth of the contents of T he K ing ’ s B usiness is specially adaptable to the needs of Sunday-school pupils and teachers. Sunday-school superintendents recommend the use of T he K ing ’ s B usiness among their teachers and officers. It will come in time to be useful, for all Sunday-school lesson materials, as well as Christian Endeavor Notes and Devotional Readings, are provided at least one month in advance o f the magazine date. W hy not form a club in your church, Sunday-school, or adult Bible class, and thus promote the diligent and pleasurable study of the Greatest Book? Children enjoy it. Two pages, “The Junior King’s Busi­ ness,” are exclusively for children. Pastors, missionaries, and personal workers say they cannot do without it.


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