King's Business - 1938-09

November, 1938


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

do? I have no place to put all of my pos­ sessions. I know what I’ll do. I’ll tear down my old bams and build larger ones. And I will say to my soul, 'Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry.’ ” But this rich man had forgotten that only God knows how long any one will live. That very night was the time for that man to die. What good were his riches going to do him? Not one thing could he take away from this earth. What a foolish man he had been! Jesus told His followers: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (Matt. 6:19, 20). Do you know how to lay up treasures in heaven? First we must know how to get to heaven. The Bible tells us: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:31). And again it says: "The fear of the Lord [that means trusting the Lord] is his trea­ sure” (Isa. 33:6).

stand the passage if we read it with the em­ phasis upon the words “over you.” Those who, like the man in the story, have their eyes fixed upon their own desires and the things which satisfy those desires will have no part in the kingdom over which our Lord will preside as a “Judge” and “Divider.” 4. “ M on ey . . . which some reaching af­ ter have been ted astray from the faith, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows " (1 Tim. 6:10, R. V .). How true this is in human experience! More than once God has called a man to preach the gospel of His grace, and perhaps that one preaches for a time with genuine power. But the lure of money leads him to turn his back upon the divine call, and he convinces himself by a process of human reasoning that he can do more for the cause of the Lord by ac­ cumulating riches. And thus he begins to “reach after” money. Then, having fixed his eyes upon mere earthly things, he loses touch with God, tries to find his own path, and is “led astray from the faith” he once preached. He comes to the end of the road a pitiful object who by his own headstrong rebellion has pierced himself through "with many sorrows." No man can be more un­ happy, and cause more unhappiness to others, and do more damage to the cause of the gospel, than the Christian who has lost fellowship with God by "reaching after” something which is not the will of God for his life. Caroline, Queen of George II, lived in St. James Palace, and thought that the ad­ joining St. James Park, belonging to the public, would make a desirable palace ground. She asked the prime minister, Sir Robert Walpole, what it would cost to shut it up and make it a royal garden. "Oh, a trifle, madam,” answered the cyn­ ical premier . . . "I believe the whole will cost but three crowns.” The queen, seeing that Sir Robert meant the crowns of England, Ireland, and Scot­ land, answered, "Then I will think no more about it." The awful cost of covetousness is very often not only human life and earthly honor and position, but eternal life and heavenly crowns as well. —Cyclopedia o f Religion Anecdotes. A Man Who Kept Everything E xodus 20:17: L uke 12:13-21 Memory Verse: “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Approach: Our commandment which we are to study today is about the sin of cov­ eting. (Read Ex. 20:17.) And our story today is one the Lord Jesus told about a man who coveted wealth. L e s s o n S to r y : Golden Text Illustration E xodus 20:17

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Object Lesson C aught and C leansed

Objects: A yellow piece of silk, a fig­ ured silk handkerchief, a large piece of red cloth, and a rubber band. Lesson: You would not think a handker­ chief as pretty as this would be coveting that which belonged to another, would you? Covetousness is a strange but very com­ mon sin. It is the desire on the part of a person to have that which belongs to an­ other. The Bible says: "Thou shalt not covet” (Ex. 20:17). Here is a beautiful yellow handkerchief. It reminds us of gold. The beautiful figured silk handkerchief wants it. Did you boys ever covet another boy’s money or his bi­ cycle? Doubtless you girls have wished you had the doll or dress belonging to an­ other girl. Covetousness is a terrible sin. When once it fastens itself upon a person, it is difficult to get rid of it. Watch what happens when this pretty handkerchief tries to get that which does not belong to it. (Previously put a rubber band around the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand, making a triangle. With the figured handkerchief draped over the right hand, spread the fingers and thumb sufficiently to insert a piece of the yellow handkerchief, held in the left hand, into the triangle. Clench the thumb and fingers and the band will slip off, holding the two hand­ kerchiefs together.) See, the beautiful handkerchief is caught with the sin of covetousness. I throw it up in the air, but it is not freed. There is just one way to be free from this or any other sin, and that is through Christ, the Saviour from sin. W e will place this

There was a certain man w h o s e farms brought him great wealth. He didn’t know where to put all of the grain and fruit. He said to him­ self something like this: “What shall I

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