King's Business - 1938-09


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

November, 1938

life. No one who is well informed in re­ cent _medical science would contend that alcoholic beverages are ever a benefit to the human body. The way in which liquor dulls one’s senses, making him oblivious to ordinary situations, is proof that it cannot be to human advantage. Because of the pressure of the problems of modem living, it often is argued that liquor helps one to “forget for a while.” Life without Christ, of course, is filled with sorrow and re­ morse which would better be forgotten. However, alcohol cannot drown the trag­ edy inherent in sin; the blood of Christ alone can wash away that stain. Drinking, in the endeavor to submerge the difficulties of life, does nothing but augment the al­ ready heavy debt of sin which is charted up against an individual. There is another angle to the question of drinking. Paul clearly states it in Romans 14:21: “It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.” Perhaps some one may say that he has strength of character sufficient to enable him to drink in “moderation,” and not to excess. Although he might be able to do so, a weaker brother, seeing his example, may begin to drink and find himself unable to stop at will. A Christian is bound, by the love of Christ, to consider his influence upon those around him. A conscience en­ lightened by the revealed will o f the Lord — this is the Christian’s guide as he consid­ ers what to do about liquor. Conscience is a safe counselor only as it is controlled by the Holy Spirit. The experience of Daniel and his three friends is not just an incident eagerly grasp­ ed at by "blue-nosed reformers” to prevent their neighbors from “enjoying” intoxicat­ ing liquor. Get this point thoroughly clear —the testimony of science, of business, of experience in all ages, proves that the use of even an amount of alcohol so small that the user does not feel its presence material­ ly, "reduces endurance, accuracy, and ra­ pidity of muscular action of all kinds” (Emerson). It so cuts down the ability to think clearly and to react promptly to dan­ ger, that it is absolutely taboo with such responsible workers as railroad engineers. It is not a stimulant, but a narcotic, which dulls the nerve centers. Dr. Edward Rose- now says, "The use of alcohol as a bever­ age is never justified. There is no such thing as the right use of beverage alcohol.” —The Moody Monthly. II. A S ocial I ssu e Alcohol has the same effect on a man or woman today as it did when Frances W il­ lard lived. But in place of the horse and buggy, we have the high-powered car and intricate machinery in the home and the of­ fice which make the individual who is in the slightest degree affected by alcohol a dan­ ger to himself and society.— I da B. W ise S m ith , National President of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Helps for the Leader I. A S ound M ind in a S ound B ody

WINGS and SKY 125-page book of heart-touching verse, true to the Word, by Martha Snell Nicholson, author of Twenty Years of Pain and Thankfulness. Ideal CHRISTMAS GIFT, especially for shut-ins. PATOMAC VELOUR, $1.00; CLOTH, $1.50 For Sale By HOWARD W. NICHOLSON 1406 Lagoon Ave. • Wilmington, Calif. « C H O I R R O B E S » é . -EGIA'Ì' e ^ C ap and G owa J C ompa / s I v ' 107 N. Wacker Drive k ? 366 Fifth Ave. Chicago, Illinois New York Ciiy Champaièn, 111. Columbus, Ohio SUNDAY SCHOOL Literature QUARTERLIES and PAPERS Following the Int. Uniform Lesson Topics A fr e e sample pack with catalogue sent on request to any Sunday School official. Address UNION GOSPEL PRESS Box 6059 Cleveland, Ohio

DECEMBER 18, 1938 CHRISTMAS CHIMES ON EVERY CONTINENT I saiah 11:1-5; L u k e 2:25-32 Meditation on the Lesson

In His eternal counsels, God ordained that the Lord Jesus Christ should be born of the tribe of Judah in the line of David, son of Jesse. Although He was bom of the Hebrew race, Christ was in a very distinct and real sense a representative of the en­ tire human family. He came that all “might have life,” and that “more abundantly." He died for the sins of all mankind. Even in the prophecies concerning Him in the Old Testament, He is pictured as One who shpuld judge the whole earth in absolute equity and righteousness, with no thought of - partiality or favoritism. Although He was born of a Jewess, He is the Saviour equally for Jew and Gentile. “God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). Speaking prophetically, Isaiah said of Christ: "But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth” (Isa. 11:14). Every country of the world has been at one time or another under the oppression of grasp­ ing rulers or elected representatives who have disregarded godly principles of gov­ ernment. No ideal form of rulership has yet been found, although many schemes and theories have been advanced. Not until the Lord Jesus Christ, who was manifest in the flesh to bear away the sins of all mankind, comes again to rule this world personally, will there be established an ideal reign. When Simeon in the temple at Jerusalem took the baby Jesus up in his arms and blessed Him, he praised God for His “sal­ vation . . . prepared before the face of all people; a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel” (Lk. 2: 30-32). Notice that the Lord Jesus Christ had been sent for all people, for the Gen­ tiles and for Israel. How inclusive is the grace of God! Thus it is that Christmas is celebrated around the world. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Saviour of all men who will put their trust in Him. He has committed to His peo­ ple the ministry of reconciliation, inviting men to be reconciled to God. He has given us the commandment to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every crea­ ture. What a joyous privilege is ours to worship a Saviour whose birth brought to the earth the sure hope of eternal life, and the promise of seeing Him whom we love face to face—perhaps very soon!

14 Evangelistic C h alk T a lk s. Soul-winning I For every Christian Worker! 25c. "Fifteen Thousand" to date! 81 "Beautiful Hymns” for Juniors, 10c postpaid. Folding Black Board and Easel, 38x54 inches, 6x38 folded. $6. REV. FRANK A. MILLER, Supt. Children’s Evangelistic Union 125 S. Ave. 60, Los Angeles, Calif.


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The great theme of all the Scriptures is the person and work of our Lord and Sav­ iour, Jesus Christ . . . Of all these great aspects of the eternal Son of God, and His marvelous redemptive work, it is on His death that the greatest and most frequent emphasis is so manifestly placed. Even as far back as the third chapter of Genesis, where He is foreshadowed in a number of

series mailed upon receipt of 25c (coin or stamps), You will be glad to read and distribute these fine attractive Tracts. C . E. JOHN STON CO., Printers 1205 So. 3rd St., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.

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