King's Business - 1938-09


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

November, 1938


With concordance, l e a t h e r binding and leather lining, In­ dia paper, clear type, and self­ pronouncing. King Janies Ver­ sion. SPECIAL (limited sup­ ply) ................................. $5.00

A book recommended “to all who pray, but most particularly to those who do not. It will give encouragement and greater fervor to the former and enlightenment and a new, blessed experience to the latter.” • GOD’S WORD FOR TODAY Daily readings for a year. The author states: “This is an attempt to further the cause of daily devotions in the home.” An excellent gift for Christian families. • CONSCIENCE An insight into the nature of the moral life as well as into the prac­ tical Christian duties of everyday living. • WHY I AM A CHRISTIAN An “intelligent, considerate, and compassionate” book for honest doubters. 15 th edition. • UNDER HIS WINGS Christians who are weary and discouraged in their struggle against sin will find the way to refuge and rest “under His wings.” CHRISTIAN CHRISTMAS CARDS H 50c B $1 .00 u ior 21 for (Postage is extra, also 3% sales tax for customers living in California•)


A new and different approach to Bible study. What the Bible is, how it came to us, and a wealth of study suggestions are included. $1.50 • GOD-CONTROLLED LIVES By Sverre Norborg The need, the longing, the rest­ lessness of the human heart, as well as the reality of sin, are the same today as they were when Christ was on earth. The God- Controlled Fisherman, Tax-Col­ lector, Rich Man, etc., present vivid pictures ......... .................$1.00

B I O L A BOOK ROOM 560 S. Hope Street Los Angeles, California

L i t e r a t u r e ..................


Ih m T o o h

C ß /U iU m

Organizations, Schools, Individuals, etc., make money easily selling Handy Wacks, popular household paper items—sell quickly, make good profits and repeat. Write Today for Free catalog and interesting infor­ mation. HANDY WACKS CORPORATION SPARTA, MICHIGAN • • DEPT. K.B.

How sorely the world needs staunch devotion to Christ’s ideals! Build strong Christian character in your Sunday school through the use of our time- tested Story Papers and Lesson Btelps—and thus begin to build a better world. No Sunday School Should Be Without TH E B O Y S ’W O R LD TH E G IR L S ' COM PAN ION Weekly 8-page story papers for teen-age groups. In lots of live or more addressed to one person, either publication 12 cents each subscription per quarter. TH E YOUNG P E O P L E 'S W E E K L Y 16 pages weekly for ages 18 to 22. In lots of five or more sent to one person, 17 cents each subscription per quarter. CH R IST -C EN T ER ED L E S S O N H E L P S • True to the Bible. • Based on International Uniform Lessons. • Graded to the needs of each age group. They are spiritual in approach, evangelistic in pur­ pose, practical in application. MAIL COUPON


Practical, illuminating, systematic Bible teachings; illustrations and appeals. Inexpensive; very useful in preparing series of sermons and Bible lectures. Send 10$ for de­ scriptive circular and 16 pages of samples. Extraordinary Dollar Offer Eighteen books and tracts: 750 pages; 45 addresses. Some have wrought great transformations in evangelistic work. Now selling at one-half price, or $1.00. Add 20$ for mailing. Descriptive circular free. Heaven: the Coming City of Gold New edition. Most highly recom­ mended. Will make you laugh and weep for joy. The means of notable conversions. Excellent for Christ­ mas gift: 76 pages, dainty covers, only 25$; 5 for $1.00. Address the author, A. E. STUERNAGEL, Dean BI7 East 24th Street • Oakland, California

D A V ID C. C O O K P U B L IS H IN G CO. 21R Lincoln Street, Elgin, Illinois

For Half-Price Trial Offer and complete catalog of Sunday-school supplies, in­ cluding Christmas specialties. wnm> C.C 00 K puBLisHinq company 21R Lincoln St. Elgin, III.

Gentlemen: Please send details of your Half-Price Trial Offer, your 1939 Catalog and samples of teaching materials for departments checked: Cradle Roll Begin, and Prl. Junior Intermediate Young People’s Adult Name ............................... .............................. St., Box, Route ...................... .............,;.............................. City ...........................i..........— ...... state .......__________ ............................................................................... Sunday School

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