King's Business - 1938-09

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

November, 1938


them, my friend, if thou wilt but rest thyself in Him.— C h a rles H addon S pu rg eon . DECEMBER 22 A Song in the Tempest "In the Lord put I my trust " (Psa. 11:1). A little while ago I listened to a concert of mingled thunder and bird-song. Between the crashing peals of thunder, I heard the clear thrilling note of the lark. The melody seemed to come out of the very heart of the tempest. The environment of this Psalm is stormy. . . . The singer is a soul in diffi­ culty. . . . The enemies are overwhelming, and, just at this point of seeming defeat and imminent disaster, there emerges this note of joyful confidence in God. "In the

able to help somebody else with what hurts that one, with the help wherewith you are helped and comforted by God, then I think He does not disdain to say that you are en­ tering into the fellowship of His sufferings. It is sure to be for your own spiritual benefit.— H andley C. G. M o u le . “There is none other name tinder heaven given among men, whereby we most be saved" (Acts 4:12). If there is one word above another that will swing open the eternal gates, it is the name of Jesus. There are a great many passwords down here, but that will be the countersign up above. Jesus Christ is the "Open Sesame” to heaven. Any one who tries to clir^b up some other way is a thief and a robber. And when we get in, what a joy above every other joy we can think of will it be to see Jesus Himself, and to be with Him continually!—D. L. M oody . DECEMBER 19 Union with Christ "If ye shall ask any thing in my name Jj I will do it" (John 14:14). Prayer is answered because of our iden­ tification with Christ. This is our priv­ ilege "in Christ.” But may this not also suggest why some of our prayers are not answered? W e say “in His name,” but we say it unthinkingly . . . Does not our thoughtless, casual habit come very near to taking His name in vain at times? Shall we not try more conslstenly to obey the command to abide in Him, so that we may say "in His name” more sincerely in our prayers?— W a lter C. E rdman . "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations " (1 Pet. 1:6). That bit of earth that held the seed, Free of the choking thorn and weed, That spot of plowed and hallowed ground That felt it die, emerge, abound, Must also feel, as life leaps tall, An ever-lengthening shadow fall. That soul receives the word of God Wherein some need has crushed the clod, That spirit bears the kingdom fruit Which gives the gospel fertile root; Then as the Saviour grows inside. The old life dies—is crucified! DECEMBER 21 Soul Healing "Great multitudes follow ed him, and he healed them all” (Matt. 12:15). My soul, whatever thy disease may be, this great Physician can heal thee. If He be God there can be no limit to His power. . . . None shall restrain the healing virtue which proceeds from Jesus our Lord. Le­ gions of devils have been made to own the power of the beloved Physician, and never once has He been baffled. All His patients have been cured in the past, and shall be in the future, and thou shalt be one among DECEMBER 18 The Countersign DECEMBER 20 The Shadow of Christ — G en e F a rrell .

High School Course at Home Many Finish in 2 Years Go as rapidly as your time and abilities permit. Course equivalent to resident school work — prepares you for entrance to college. Standard H. S. texts supplied — Diploma. Credit for H. S. subjects already completed. Single sub­ jects if desired. High school education is very important for ad­ vancement in business and industry and socially. Don’t be handi­ capped all your life. Be a High School graduate. Start your training now. Free Bulletin on request. No obligation. ^■American School, Dpt. 'H835 Drexel at 58th, Chicago SISTER ABIGAIL' (NEW and ENLARGED EDITION) $1.10 postpaid — An ideal Christmas gift — fascinating for young and old—the true incidents are “stranger than fiction.” Recently a lad in New England while reading it came under conviction and with tears falling said to his father, “I want to be saved like little Abbie's friend was.” Parents owe it to themselves and children to have this book in the home. Ask for descriptive folder. . . . SWORD AND SHIELD BOOK STORE 38-40 W. Huron St. * Buffalo, N. Y .

SP IR ITU A L REV IVAL IN FULL SW A Y The war in China has added greatly to our material burdens. It has greatly deepened the spiritual life of all at the Home and also increased the number we are caring for. Your prayers and aid will now go further in winning souls for Christ ~~ lllili perhaps ever before. Let the appeal of hundreds who are helpless 111111 and hopeless not be in vain. A little goes a long way in China. ... i B l • HOME OF ONESIPHORUS T aian, Shantung, China T his faith w ork is one o f the larg est Christian institutions in the O rient. It has been consecrated for over tw enty years to the rescue of the hom eless.

Write today for FREE picture and story of Chinese girl shown in this ad, also receive “ Helping China’s Helpless” telling how God led Rev. and Mrs. Anglin to open the Home and how He blessed the work, a thrilling story.


2811 North Racine Avenue

Chicago, Illinois

No L onger a L eper : NoWonder She Smiles A MISSIONARY of the Raj Nandgaon Mis­ sion Station, in India, writes about smiling little Thukelin, ten-year-old leper girl— now apparently cured after five years of treat­ ment. TODAY she is well and happy because your gifts have enabled us to carry on the work of bringing the salvation of Jesus Christ as well as medical help to these lepers. WHILE your own healthy boys and girls return to school this fall, will you remember these unfortunate leper children and give accordingly to carry out Christ’s injunction “Cleanse the Lepers”? A THANKSGIVING OFFERING WILL MAKE YOU AND THE LEPERS HAPPY The AMERICAN MISSION TO LEPERS Inc. ~ ROOM S-N - - 156 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK “BECAUSE she was so small when her father died of leprosy I felt sorry for her and always held her in my arms while the treatments were given. She felt that unless I was there the injections would hurt. She is a darling.”

As my Thanksgiving offering to the leper children I am happy to enclose $.................... Name..................................................... M K K SK I Addr

□ Complete care of an adult, one y r. $40 □ Complete care of a child, one y r. $30 □ A hut for 2 p e o p l e ...........................$20 □ Medicine for one y ear . . . . $5 □ A warm sheepskin co at . . .$2.50 AIDS LEPER WORK OF ALL DENOMINATIONS

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