King's Business - 1938-09

November, 1938

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


world: they have not fled to Jesus as their city of separation. . . . Although He says, "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, . . . and I will receive you” (2 Cor. 6:17), yet they flee not, and the temp­ ter often overtakes them. . . . Jesus must be our All in All if we would be perfectly sheltered from the curse, the world, the flesh, and the devil.— J am es S m ith . “If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20). Ring, Christmas bells, from many spires! Beckon the wise, O star! For Christ the Lord of fond desires Fares forth to wander far Along the wide world’s darkened night, Past inns so gay withal, And full of folk so warm and bright They do not heed His call. To wander till He finds ajar A door upon to knock, Where love has lowered every bar That separates His flock. Rise, Christendom! Your Holy Guest Awaits a welcome true "O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee; my soul thirsteth [or thee” (Psa. 63:1). I want to know where your prayer life is spent.. . . Is it spent in the innermost Holy of Holies where the Shekinah light is the only glow, and the only Presence with you is God Himself? . . . When you pray do you talk about God, or do you talk to God? When you pray are you more conscious of His presence than of any other presence in the world? I am not talking about interces­ sion, but about communion, the quiet hour with the Lord.— C h a rles I nwood . DECEMBER 27 The Spent Talent “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:16). Familiar inconsistency of our Christian life, I fear, is an unthrifty use of time, that mysterious talent which, unlike other tal­ ents, does not grow, but is spent in the using. Let us not use it with a weary anx­ iety, but let there be a grave habitual re­ membrance that it and we are in His hands for whom we exist, to whom we equally be­ long, whether we toil or whether we rest. From useless indolence, small or great, let us totally abstain through grace. —H andley C. G. M o u le . DECEMBER 28 The Secret of Guidance "Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel” (Psa. 73:24). Many a time, as the steamer has neared the quay, have I watched the little lad take his place ■beneath the poop, with eye and ear fixed on the captain, and waiting to DECEMBER 25 The Holy Guest To enter in and be at rest Within the heart of you. — S elected . DECEMBER 26 Seeking the Lord Himself

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Lord put I my trust.” It is a song in the


night.— J. H. J o w ett .

Why give PAGAN yule-tide cards when it costs no more to send CHRISTIAN greetings? Make YOUR cards messengers for CHRIST! Send $1.00 for our attractive box of 2 1 assorted choice Scripture greeting folders. If you are not delighted with them, return, and your money comes right back. TA R E S or T R U TH w ith T R A C T S ? Agitators of all kinds of un-American doc- trineis, and adherents of strange cults, spread their vicious creeds with printed leaflets. Shall SATAN sow TARES with TRACTS and YOU not use them to spread WORDS of ETERNAL LIFE? Try our New Line of TRACTS that ATTRACT. Not just bits of cheap paper but quality leaflets in a variety of colors, with arresting scriptural messages. Mod­ ern in Appearance and Appeal—True to the Word. Sample package—25c, 5 packages $1.00 postpaid. SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER—1 package tracts and 1 box Scripture Christmas Folders $1.10 postpaid. SATISFACTION—or your money back (ütjriattan Cernire llreaa Select Christian Literature P. O. Box 174K Moline, 111.

DECEMBER 23 Eden and Calvary "And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch” (Acts 11:26). The Christian life means simply the true human life. Sin made the break. Christ mends the break. He renews and restores man. . . . We are used to the cheapened, thinned-out meanings, being “saved” from hell and into heaven, church membership, with some attendance, some giving of money and maybe service. . . . In the sim­ ple, true meaning the Christian life is a tender passion burning deep, and then deeper. . . . It means, on the inner side, fel­ lowship with the Man that died: on the outer side, a warm, upright touch with one’s fellows. . . . Calvary neutralizes the devil’s power, and restores and enriches the Eden ideal.—S. D. G ordon . DECEMBER 24 The Place of Safety "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world” (1 John 2:15). Many Christians are tempted much in the world, because they tamper much with the

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