King's Business - 1938-09

November, 1938


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-In-Chief M ildred M. C ook , Managing Editor H. S. R isley , Circulation Manager


Official Organ of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated


She 3 it»le Tam il# OHa^^ine Copyright, 1938, by T he K ing ’ s B usiness (a California non-profit corporation) M otto: “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood ."—R ev . 1 :5.

Mark Twain rem a rk ed once that “the weather is something everybody talks about, but no­ body does a n y th in g about it.“ And so we find it o fte n with regard to God’s covenant people, Israel, and the importance of giv­ ing them the Gospel in these last days. The Lord Jesus Christ gave us solemn warning that we shall be doers of the Word, and not hearers only. He gave the Phari­ sees a scathing rebuke when He told the disciples, “For they say and do not.” Surely no child of God wishes knowingly to be guilty of saying and not doing! In the crow d in g of tragedy upon tragedy, the era of Gentile world dominion is about to come to a catastrophic end, and now if ever is the time for the true child of God- to “speak comfortably to Jerusalem.” A recent letter from a friend put the case as effectively as we have seen it put: “For a long time I have been conscious of our obligation to the Jews, and now the need is more acute than it has ever been. As I study the Word and realize the awful plight the Jews are in, my heart is crushed for them, and I pray that Christians everywhere may wake up to the fact that now is the time to befriend them and show them the error of their ways that they may accept Christ as Lord, and that they in turn may preach the Gospel to their own race even before the rapture, that the chosen people may have a part in that marvelous redemption prepared for all who will accept it.” Need we say more? Your fel­ lowship in prayer and gift is always a welcome evidence of the Lord’s provision for us, and it adds you to those faithful ones who wish to become partners with Him in the closing program of the age. AMERICAN BOARD OF MISSIONS TO THE JEW S, INC., 31 Throop Ave., Brook­ lyn, N. Y. Dear Friends in the Lord: I pray for Israel in her hour of agony, and gladly enclose $___________ as fellow­ ship with you in your world-wide Gospel work. Name..................... ................ ____________________ Street..... ....................................................... City-----....— ................................... State...................

Volume XX IX

November, 1938

Number 9


Cover Illustration by Ransom D. Marvin Around the K ing’s Table— Louis T . Talbot.................................................364 Views and Reviews of Current News— Dan Gilbert................................. 365 Where Are the Nine?— Herbert Lockyer.......................................................366 What Is Christianity?—W . Graham Scroggie............................................ 367 The European Imbroglio—-Louis S. Bauman.............................................. 368 Around the World with the Gospel............................................................... 370 Junior K ing’s Business—Martha S. Hooker...............................................373 Our Literature Table...........................................................................................1..375 The Bible Institute Family Circle.......................................................................376 Evangelistic Notices ...............................................................................................377 International Lesson Commentary.................................................................... 379 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Mary G.Goodner........................................389 Daily Devotional Readings.................................................................................. 392




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