King's Business - 1938-09


T H E K I N G ' S


November, 1938

Around the King's Table E D I T O R I A L

A Letter to Friends D ear "K ing ’ s B usiness " F amily : "But God . . . ”

man initiative. We are building on and go­ ing on with God. And in any emergency or any crisis that may arise, we will put these words, "but God," into the breach—and they will be sufficient. Believe this with us! Second, we are surrounded with a new spirit in our people that is nation-wide. All who know and love Biola are rallying to God’s standard raised here, with new zeal and renewed confidence in Him. Wavering and uncertainty are gone. Doubt has flown. A new people have been bom out of the travail and trial of the past The fire has done its purifying work. We stand ready, chas­ tened and deepened, for God’s greater call. Third, the present student body, num­ bering 392 Day School students with ap­ proximately 100 Evening School students, is a challenge that no one dare ignore or resist. They have been placed by God in our hands. They are potential salvation to the multitudes of tomorrow. We must not fail them. W e must, by God's help, train and equip them for Christian service. Fourth, we are led by a Board of Trus­ tees with a personnel of successful and ex­ perienced businessmen consecrated to the last measure of devotion to the cause of Christ. They are verily "come to the king­ dom for such a time as this.” Filth, we have a happy family of work­ ers in the faculty and administrative staff, all of whom are unitedly determined to lend unto the Spirit of God their life and talent and capacity for consecrated service. Sixth, the whole-hearted interest and sup­ port of the Church of the Open Door is one of our greatest assets. The people of this great church, of which I have had the privilege of being pastor for the past seven years, stepped into the breach in the Insti­ tute’s darkest hour. The church and the In­ stitute are now bound together by both physical and spiritual ties, but they cannot bear this burden alone. It belongs to God’s people at large. The church very generous­ ly has released me for administrative duties in the Institute and for Bible ^conference work wherever doors may open.

Seventh, this last reason for believing in the triumphant future of the Bible Institute is the first reason over again, for remember it is Scripturally written in another con­ nection, that the “first shall be last; and the last shall be first.” It is "but God." It is our hope, our strength, and our lasting suf­ ficiency. It is our declaration of faith. It is our platform of practice. It is the battle cry as we go forward to Biola’s greater future. Go with us! The objective toward which we now set ourselves as an Institute is the liquidation of the remaining indebtedness on the build­ ing which exists in the form of a first mort­ gage to the amount of $188,000.00. And in this great project we ask your sympathy, prayers, and cooperation. Let us take anew these words, "but God," and put them to this task. If we will dare to believe and if we will be ready to obey, these walls may echo with increasing mean­ ing the words of our triumphant Lord: "For I will be with thee thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress, E ’en down to old age, all my people shall prove My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love.” Yours in the fellowship of the King,

This, which is my first editorial as Presi­ dent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and Editor of T he K ing ’ s B usiness , comes in the form of a heart-to-heart talk about matters of mutual interest concerning God's work here. The words that head this letter—" but God" —tell the whole story of the imme­ diate past and contain the entire prospect of the future regarding this Institute. But for God, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles would not be in existence as a functioning Christian institution today. But for God, and the certain conviction that it will be His blessing and enabling that will carry us through, I would not now be in the President’s chair. Coming fresh from the days of financial and spiritual miracle which God so won­ derfully wrought here this past summer, I am convinced that it is the prophecy of complete victory in every department of this work. I wish you to share this convic­ tion too, and for that reason, I am taking you into my most intimate confidence. Let us knit heart to heart and trust God for even greater triumphs in the future. Surely the fact that God enabled us to re­ duce our indebtedness by over $700,000.00 is the most convincing proof that His bless­ ing is upon this Bible Institute and is also evidence that our continuing faith and faith­ fulness will see the entire obligation wiped out in due course. Of this I am convinced; and toward this end I have set myself by prayer and personal sacrifice. I enjoy the same conviction in my associates. There are manifest and manifold rea­ sons for believing in a triumphant future for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. First, the words "but God" are both the conviction and challenge of the moment. They are our tower of strength. W e are not building this Bible Institute on human management, nor are we advancing in hu­

President, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles,-

Observing, Thanksgiving Sunday In the belief that God will bless united efforts to retrieve the lost spiritual ra­ diance of Thanksgiving Day, the Great Commission Prayer League of Chicago is sending out an urgent call for special ob­ servance of Thanksgiving Sunday (No­ vember 20, 1938). In the call, it is pointed out that Thanks- [Continued on page 397]

WON BY THE WORD LEFT; Girls from Euodia Club (Bi­ ble study groups for high-school and junior high-school girls, conducted by Institute Bible Women) study the Bible joyously and lead classmates to Christ. An average of 65 club meet­ ings are held each week, with a total weekly a tte n d a n c e approximating 800— a vast evangelistic field. RIGHT: Men students of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, organized as teams, take the gospel at the noon hour to industrial plants in the Los Angeles district. Music, testimony, and straightforward preaching reach men who have been indifferent.

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