Kid Scoop News—September 2024


History of Ping-Pong

Draw yourself playing Ping-Pong.

In the 1800s, in England, the winter weather made it hard to play sports, like tennis, outside. People invented an indoor game for wintertime fun. The game was such a hit, that soon, people were playing it year-round.

What is Ping-Pong?

Ping-Pong is a tennis game played on a table with a small ball and small paddles. Use the code to find out another name for this game.

The first Ping-Pong balls were made of different materials. Sometimes they were made of rubber, string, and even old champagne corks. In 1901, the Englishman called James Gibb discovered that balls made of celluloid worked better. Today, most balls are made of a plastic that is very much like celluloid. The First Ping-Pong Balls

= L = N = S = T

= A = B = E = I

The official rules of Ping-Pong state that the ball shall be: spherical, with a diameter of 1.6 inches (40 mm) and weigh 0.1 ounces (2.7 grams) and be made of celluloid or similar plastic material. Which of these items weigh about the same as a Ping-Pong ball? Light and Bouncy

Amazing Ping-Pong Records & Firsts

Do the math under each of these statements to see if they are true or false. If the answer is an even number, that statement is true. Odd numbers are false.

In 1988, table tennis was first played in the Summer Olympics in Seoul, South Korea.

The official record for the fastest Ping-Pong ball hit is 72.08 miles per hour (116 kph), set by Lukasz Budner in Poland in 2016.

The first world championship table tennis games were held in London in 1926.

two thumbtacks

The World Record for the longest Ping-Pong rally is 11 hours, 50 minutes, and 36 seconds, set in 2020 in Dubai. 15 + 9 = 18 + 4 = 23 + 5 = 25 + 7 =

three small jellybeans

two large paper clips

© Vicki Whiting September 2024

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