Beau’s flows into Québec and New York
Anything can happen, particularly in an election year. With that in mind, it is again time to pump up the prescient powers and try to predict what may be making headlines in our part of the world in the year to come. Vortex creates largest rink: In the wake of another ice storm and another “polar vortex,” road maintenance crews will barely be able to keep driving surfaces clear. Some hardy citizens will don blades and begin skating on the ice-covered shoulders of county roads. The trend will spread; the Prescott-Russell recreational trail will be invaded by skaters. The trail will become known as the longest, and most narrow, rink in the world. The Big Breakaway Weekend will be organized in February whereby relay teams will stickhan- dle a puck the entire length of the trail. Special points will be awarded to players who are able to flawlessly raise the rubber when crossing roads. A special “passing the puck” drill will feature politicians. The united counties of Prescott-Russell will seek government funds to conduct a study into the feasibility of promoting skating as a form of transporta- tion. Unions will file grievances, alleging that such a move would undermine job secu- rity for roads department workers. Salt companies will also express concern about this cool movement. Environmentalists will rejoice. The Eastern Ontario Health Unit will issue warnings about the dangers associated with the sport. Remember to stretch: In an effort to cut costs and promote healthy lifestyles, municipali- ties will organize Community Road Care Weekends, when citizens will be encouraged to participate in bees aimed at beautifying their neighbourhoods. In February, a region- wide blitz will be held to clear snow from clogged sidewalks. Although only 25 people will show up, these people will form a snow-shoveling club which, among other things, will hold information sessions on how tomove snowwithout hurting yourself and others. Schools remain open: March 1, life will come to a standstill as thousands of people who are sick and tired of winter opt to stay home indoors rather than try to cope with the cold and the wind chill. With Hydro rates going through the roof, citizens are afraid of using electricity during the daytime, so they discover “alternate” forms of entertainment, such as board games. Fun has been cancelled: After closing the sports complex, cash-strapped Hawkesbury will decide to cancel all town-sponsored recreational activities. The decision will have no discernible impact on townspeople who were unaware that the town actually sup- ported recreation and have grown accustomed to having all their fun in Vankleek Hill and L’Orignal. Finally, their own washrooms: Access to restrooms had been a long-standing issue for the pétanque club when it was based in Confederation Park. But that will no longer be an issue when the club relocates to one of the abandoned rinks at the Robert-Hartley Sports Complex. The organization will be outraged when members discover that the municipal- ity has installed pay toilets. The best ever, again: Hawkesbury will continue to subsidize the Ottawa River Festival. Organizers will be thrilled when they learn that 13,000 people attended and the econom- ic spinoffs are an astonishing $13 million. But when figures are re-fed into a computer, the estimate will be that 13 people attended the water fest. You look familiar, sort of : In the fall, with another municipal election campaign on the horizon, politicians will begin reaching out to voters, many of whom they have not seen since 2010. Calls to police will spike as voters become spooked when the candidates start knocking on doors, spooking children and family pets. The SPCA will rebuke any political practices that may distress animals. So, there you have some of the items that may be getting your attention in 2014. Re- member, before you start firing off e-mails, these predictions are not to be taken too seriously. But as they say, anything can happen. Fearless predictions
VANKLEEK HILL| Beau’s All Natural Brew- ing will begin selling its Lug Tread brand in New York State next March, as part of an expansion that could also soon in- clude La Belle Province. First to pour south of the border will be Lug Tread Lagered Ale, Beau’s award-win- ning flagship beer, along with recent LCBO release The Tom Green Beer, a milk stout designed in partnership with the Canadian actor and comedian of the same name. “We’re super-excited to finally get to meet the neighbours,” says Beau’s co- founder Steve Beauchesne. “We’ve had our hearts set on keeping the beer we brew within a day’s drive of the brewery, be- cause it’s important to us to have real rela- tionships with the people who serve it, sell it, and drink it. Selling into New York State gets our beer out to more people to enjoy, but still lets us be a local brewery. By the same logic, we are taking steps to have our beers available in Québec within the year as well.” Les parcs d’affaires à Vankleek Hill et Rockland seront dotés d’un service Inter- net haute vitesse à fibre optique. En vue de donner une impulsion au développement économique de la ré- gion, l’Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Cau- cus (EOWC) a attribué des contrats pour élargir le réseau Internet haute vitesse à fibre optique au sein de plus de 50 parcs d’affaires et pôles d’entreprises dans l’est de l’Ontario, incluant deux dans Prescott et Russell. «L’élargissement de l’accès Internet à fibre optique, à haute vitesse et à haute capacité à ces parcs d’affaires aidera nos collectivités à attirer et à retenir les entre- prises locales», a dit Jean Paul St. Pierre, président des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell. «Ceci est un véritable coup de pouce pour notre développement économique.» Bell Aliant, Cogeco Cable Inc. et Utili- ties Kingston ont décroché des contrats visant la mise à disposition de nouvelles connexions Internet à fibre optique of- frant haute vitesse et haute capacité. Grâce à ce projet, unplus grandnombre de parcs d’affaires et pôles d’entreprises disposent déjà d’un accès aux services à large bande dans la région.
The market expansion south of the bor- der is part of a recently inked distribution agreement with Albany-based Remark- able Liquids, a boutique distribution com- pany with a strong dedication to working with craft brewers.
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Les sociétés retenues conçoivent ces nouveaux services à partir de leur infra- structure existante et en s’appuyant sur la dorsale à fibre optique de 5500 kilo- mètres qui a été construite par le biais du Réseau régional de l’Est ontarien (RREO). Toute une gamme de vitesses et de ser- vices viendra répondre aux besoins des clients professionnels implantés dans ces zones. Le projet «parc d’affaires», dont la valeur est estimée à 8,9 millions de dol- lars, s’inscrit dans la toute dernière phase du projet du RREO, une initiative de 170 millions $ qui vise à déployer l’accès à la large bande en milieu rural à l’échelle de la région. Conçu par l’EOWC, ce projet est appuyé par des financements octroyés par le gouvernement fédéral, le gouver- nement provincial et les administrations municipales, ainsi que par des investisse- ments du secteur privé. Le RREO a été créé par l’Eastern Ontario Wardens Cau- cus pour gérer l’élargissement du réseau rural à large bande de l’est de l’Ontario. Il comprend une dorsale à fibres op- tiques de 5500 km et plus d’une dou- zaine de réseaux d’accès local qui of- friront à 95% des foyers de la région des vitesses et des services Internet amélio- rés d’ici à 2014.
36 700 copies
Bertrand Castonguay , President, bertrand@eap.on.ca Roger Duplantie , D.G. / G.M., roger@eap.on.ca François Bélair , Sales & Development, fbelair@eap.on.ca François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, francois.legault@eap.on.ca Yvan Joly , Sales director (Hawkesbury), yvan@eap.on.ca François Leblanc , Directeur (Lachute), francois.leblanc@eap.on.ca Gilles Normand , Production & Distribution Mgr., gilles.normand@eap.on.ca Julien Boisvenue , Layout & Prepress Mgr., julien.boisvenue@eap.on.ca
The Upper Canada District School Board recorded a surplus of about $600,000 dur- ing the last fiscal year. The board had revenues of $348,802,048 and expenses of $348,205,830 with an in- year surplus of $596,218 for the year 2012-2013. At a recent meeting, trustees re-examined a facilities report from 2008 that states that over the subsequent 25 years the province will save more than $52 million from the changes implemented by the board through the Boundary 2020 process. The board again called for the province to allow it to use the savings generated by these local “courageous decisions to modernize the UCDSB school system.” The board wants the province to take the report into consideration during the Ministry of Education’s school board efficiencies and modernization consultations. $600,0000 surplus for *#(%/$ŏ,1(%ŏ/$++(ŏ+.
Publié le vendredi par/Published on Friday by : La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par/Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON Bureau Hawkesbury Office: 1100, rue Aberdeen St., Hawkesbury, ON Tel.: 613 632-4155 • Fax.: 613 632-8601 • 1 800 267-0850 Bureau Lachute Office : 52, rue Principale St., Lachute, QC J8H 3A8 Tel.: 450 562-8593 • Fax.: 450 562-1434 • 1 800 561-5738 # convention : 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission. Avis : En cas d’erreur ou d’omission, la responsabilité du journal ne dépasse, en aucun temps, le montant de l’espace de l’erreur en cause. Attention : In case of error or omission, in no way will the publisher be liable for more than the amount charged for space concerned. Représentation nationale/National representation Sans frais / Toll free : 1-800-361-6890 Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number.
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