General Usage (Discrete/Non-Discrete Pallet ID): 100 Foot receiver range. Each transmitter can monitor either 1, 2 or 4 pressure switches. Continuous monitoring throughout the machining cycle.
Simple integration into your automation controller using industry standard connectors. Easy to install and powered from Machine Tool (CNC machine) 24 VDC power supply. No more tool crashes. Guard your spindle from fixture pressure loss with wireless pressure monitoring using Vektek pressure switches and Vektek Guardian system. The transmitter is powered by common lithium CR2 batteries and has a life of up to 5 years. - Low power modes to save battery life while in storage or automatically go to sleep when not in use. Inputs are opto-isolated to protect electrical circuits and allow for syncing and sourcing I/O. Extended transmitting range designed for large machines, linear pallet pool systems, and even small applications such as vertical machining centers. Housing with aluminum base for excellent durability. - Chip and high pressure coolant abrasion resistant. - IP-67 rated using high quality seals. - Able to withstand high RPM from a vertical turning lathe. - Compact design allows for easy fit on new or existing installations. Pallet Identification system that simplifies integration and can be used for pallet management. In-cycle input to tell the Guardian when to begin the monitoring process, such as when the pallet is in the machining area. Status monitoring outputs that include pressure, battery level, connection status, and M-code acknowledgement via internal isolated relay contacts. Standard USB-C port for firmware updates in the field. For Discrete Pallet Identification: Inputs to the Master Control Unit for identification up to 64 pallets, or use with the Pallet ID Reader for identifying an unlimited number of pallets. For Non-Discrete Pallet Identification: Monitor pressure on fixture pools with up to 200 pallets! ILA330121 REV B
Configuration Kits Model No. Type
Master Control Unit Kit comes with MCU, Pressure Setter, Checker, Magnetic Pen, Relay with Base, Din Rail, and Necessary Wires and Connectors. Includes Pallet ID Reader, 5M cable to connect to Master Control Unit Fixture Transmitter with cable and pressure switch Fixture Transmitter with two cables, two pressure switches, and Dual Circuit Junction Adapter
Master Control Unit Kit
Pallet ID Reader Kit
Single Circuit Transmitter Kit
Dual Circuit Transmitter Kit
Fixture Transmitter, four pressure switches, and Quad Circuit Junction Adapter
Quad Circuit Transmitter Kit
33-0120-41 Pallet RFID Tag One Pallet RFID Tag * All necessary wiring and hardware included. ILA330120 REV B
Pallet ID Receiver
Master Control Unit
Fully sealed and machined Pallet ID Receiver with IP67 rating designed to withstand harsh machining environments. Acknowledges Pallet ID Tag to confirm fixture identification prior to machining process.
Communication bridge between Guardian 2.0 equipped fixtures and CNC Machine Control. Reports pressure status of over 200 fixture transmitters. Verifies fixture identification prior to machining process. Alarms on pressure
status for the identified fixture throughout the duration of the machining operation. Robust system integration with user defined alarm options.
Pallet ID Tag
Fixture Transmitter Unit
Pallet ID Tags are installed on the pallet or fixture and communicate with the Pallet ID receiver using RF technology.
Fixture Transmitters communicate with Master Control Unit using 900mhz frequency band powered by long life, easily replaceable batteries with low battery indication at master control screen.
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