One System. Countless Ways To Explore.
At Yakima, we’re adventurers ourselves. So we knew the hitch had potential beyond just hauling trailers. After all, we’d seen the creative, makeshift rigs of rogues and vagabonds out for adventure across the country. But we knew there had to be a better, more reliable way. So we got to work on a system that not only leveraged the simplicity and convenience of the hitch, but also allowed more access to the trunk and came at a price point similar to our legendary roof storage systems.
With the EXO system, there’s nothing makeshift about your gear storage. It’s simply the best way to load up and get out with limitless versatility, accessibility and capacity. It’s primed and ready for adventure — just drop the pin on the map, and start the engine.
EXO Modular Hitch System Overview
EXO SwingBase ( BASE )
EXO LitKit
EXO GearWarrior
EXO GearLocker
EXO DoubleUp
EXO SnowBank
EXO BackDeck
EXO GearTotes
EXO WarriorWheels
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