protected and harms (or has the potential to harm) the School’s legitimate business interests and obligations toward its employees and students. Use of School Property, Equipment, and Stationery The equipment essential to accomplishing job duties is often expensive and may be difficult to replace. When using school property, you are expected to exercise care, perform required maintenance, and follow all operating instructions, safety standards, and guidelines. You should notify the Division Director or the Business Office if any equipment or machines appear to be damaged, defective, or in need of repair. Prompt reporting of damages, defects, and the need for repairs could prevent deterioration of equipment and possible injury. See your supervisor or the Business Office if you have any questions about responsibility for maintenance and care of equipment used on the job. Employees are responsible for all School property, materials, or written information issued to them or in their possession. All School property must be returned on or before an employee's last day of work. You may be held responsible for any lost or damaged items, or items that you fail to return before your last day of work. The reputation and influence of the School can be adversely affected by the way in which letterhead is used. School letterhead may not be used for correspondence of a purely personal nature without prior approval from the Headmaster. Employees may not use School property for personal use. The term “school property” includes, but is not limited to, equipment, technology, vans, campus facilities, or academic materials, etc. From time to time, employees may make requests to the Headmaster or Business Manager to use school property, including campus facilities, for personal use. Permission may be granted on a case-by-case basis when such use does not conflict with School use or generate any expense for the School. Such requests should include the location, the length of use, the type of use, and a list of parties involved. On the occasions when such requests are granted, the employee must remain with or on the property at all times and is solely responsible for loss of or damage to the property. Because staff presence during school hours, especially during times with the students, is so important to the culture of CSB, we ask staff to minimize the use of mobile phones for personal calls during school hours. To the extent that circumstances require the use of a cell phone for either personal or professional reasons, staff members are asked to find a private location for such use. Staff members may never use cell phones or other mobile devices while driving school vehicles or carpooling students. Mobile Phone Use
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